Bis wann war evtl eure Ss unbemerkt wegen der Pille?Wie habt ihr davon erfahren?Schonmak ein Test gemacht einfach so der plötzlich positiv war?

Ab wann testen wenn man die Pille nimmt?Bin mir da unsicher da die Entzugsblutung bei der Pille leider nichts aussagt

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2 years ago

because the withdrawal bleeding in the pill does not say anything

That’s wrong. Even if the bleeding in the pill break is only a reaction of the body to the hormone withdrawal during the break and not a normal period, it is nevertheless the cervical mucosa that bleeds in the pill break. So, where the possibly fertilized egg would have made itself comfortable if a pregnancy was successful.

And if there was a pregnancy, various hormones would make sure that the endometrium does not bleed.

If it’s bleeding, the fertilized egg goes off and the pregnancy is over.

So specifically, if you have a bleeding in the pill break, which does not differ in strength, type and duration from the usual bleeding, you can assume not being pregnant.

For this reason, the pill break was also introduced during the introduction of the pill so that women can continue to check monthly whether they are pregnant or not. Because a pill break would not be necessary.

If you have made a mistake in taking the pill, you can make a pregnancy test from 19 days after the last sex (the environment please NOT a digital test).

Why 19 days?

Because sperms in the woman can wait for ovulation for up to five days after sexual intercourse, fertilization can still occur if ovulation takes place during this period (e.g. due to an error in taking the pill).

From the successful fertilization it then takes 14 days until there is reliably enough HCG in the urine to be able to prove it by a test.

That’s why it’s 19 days from last sex.

Taking the pill has no influence on it.

2 years ago

Heaven again, just take a test after 19 days and stop asking hourly.

2 years ago
Reply to  Womangirl166

It doesn’t change if you ask here every half an hour. Buy a test, wait a week, do it, and then you know.

Everything else is bullshit and doesn’t bring you any friends here, just annoyed users.

2 years ago

Sir, please test at the time. A bleeding has no influence on the test.