Bis wann darf eine verpflichtende Schulveranstaltung gehen?
Bei uns geht eine Schulveranstaltung bis 21 Uhr 40 am nächsten Tag geht Schule ganz normal um 7 Uhr 30 wieder los, ich wollte wissen ob das möglicherweise irgendwie verboten ist wegen Schlaf oder so.
We also had that, for example, were info evenings of the secondary schools and project evenings in the aula or school celebrations where we played in the ensemble. That doesn’t always happen. It is quite reasonable for a young person of the upper level (14/15/16 years) that he goes to bed once (not permanently) at about 22.30 hrs and is sufficient for about seven hours of sleep – we have survived it and with paragraphs and laws there is nothing at all. Most young people don’t go to sleep so early anyway.
It also depends on your age and how many times a year. Since it is certainly not an action that takes place every week, the answer is yes, that is allowed.
Ask the organizer when you can / may go.
From 9 o’clock 40
This is the end of the event. And you wanted to know if you could go earlier.
And it’s not forbidden.
Then you have to go through there.
I can’t go sooner