Bipolare Mutter?

Meine Mutter hat eine sehr stark ausgeprägte bipolare Störung. Von Jahr zu Jahr wird es schlimmer (vor allem die Manie). Momentan ist sie manisch und es ist dieses Jahr so schlimm, dass sie sogar meinen Vater betrügt und mit zahlreichen Männern schreibt/Fotos verschickt (wahrscheinlich auch schläft)…

Sie weiß nicht was sie tut, denkt die ganze Welt liebt sie, ist extrem manisch und ich kann meiner eigenen Mutter nicht mal mehr in die Augen schauen. Behandeln lassen will sie sich nicht, sie redet nicht offen über ihre Krankheit…

Wie würdet ihr euch als Kind einer solchen Mutter verhalten? Ich hab das Gefühl, dass sobald ich ausziehe, so gut wie nichts mehr mit ihr zu tun haben KANN, auch wenn ich sie eigentlich liebe. Ihr Narzissmus im Bezug auf ihre Krankheit ist schlimm. Sie ist ja ein guter Mensch, aber ihre Krankheit, vor allem in der Manie, naja…

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3 months ago

My mother was bipolar and developed psychosis,

  • being persecuted everywhere,
  • Neighbors accuses of trying to make them crazy with noises,
  • Neighbors and relatives accused of rape,
  • their account repeatedly completely covered,
  • In business claims she stole…

It would be worse and worse. We drove them into the psychiatry with the prelude of false facts (exit), where they first imagined themselves and made one healthy.

Then she betrayed herself and left some of the stack (that she was pregnant with twins in the middle of 60, and the doctor is in truth the stand officer who married her the same).

Nevertheless, she had to sign that she remains voluntary. She didn’t want to.

We have put pressure and said, either now voluntarily or we are talking to an official doctor tomorrow.

They’re different. One day later, she wanted to jump out of the window when angels had told her she could fly.

I can only say care!

Something like that can grow badly. Get help for them and live your own life in parallel.

Otherwise, you will break if you have 24/7.

3 months ago
Reply to  leonie040707

I also lived at home and my father died shortly before. I was also on the gymnasium and financially dependent.

Find help with relatives. Maybe you can sleep somewhere else. You have to think about yourself.

She’s in therapy. Your father must take care of it.

Go to the youth office or to a consultancy office. And talk to an officer for emergency. There is the possibility of indebtedness in the event of danger, of being forced to intervene.

This is extremely hard. But it won’t work without therapy. And with therapy, I mean drugs.

It has a chemical imbalance in the brain, so that it cannot switch properly.

It’s not going away alone. Certain drugs put the brain back in, so it works normally.

But, be careful, just as long as the drugs are taken. As soon as they are set off, the haunt goes back. And worse.

Suicide is possible. It is important that you stabilize yourself and also have the possibility to regenerate.

You’ll be dragged.. Maybe a residential home or a WG is an option.

3 months ago


this is not a chat, like the other questions here, but a really serious thing.

I have full sympathy with you and can’t even imagine what you’re wearing for a burden. I would seriously advise you not to ask for advice and help in a professional consultancy.

Your mother urgently needs a therapeutic treatment.

I sent you a link from DGBS. This is a good guide with numerous tips ->

I also want to give you the free hotline.

Take care of yourself!