Bios Update brauch ich nicht, oder?
Hallo, ich werde mir einen neuen Prozessor einbauen.
Von AMD Serie 3000 auf 5000 (R5 3600 zu R7 5700x3d)
Aktuelles Bios ist:
Mainboard Revision ist 1.0 (hab nachgeschaut)
Auf der Website steht das, also sollte das funktionieren oder muss ich was beachten?
says little if the motherboard is not known. The revision is available on every motherboard….
Check with the mainboard manufacturer what BIOS version is necessary for your planned processor on your motherboard.
If you already have the necessary BIOS, you do not need to update (even if it can be useful).
If you don’t have the corresponding version, you won’t come around.
Jo, sorry, Gigabyte B550 Aorus Elite ax v2
I would recommend a Bios update if you skip multiple (generations) CPUs.
He doesn’t skip generations, he changes to the next. A BIOS is still necessary, as in 2021 the X3D models did not exist.
The 3600 is from 2019. 😉
Okay, you’re right. It depends on how to interpret generation.
It doesn’t matter. I know about each AMD Ryzen CPU the year of appearance ^^^.