BIOS Update?

Schönen guten Morgen,

ich besitze ein Asus ROG Z370-E Mainboard mit der BIOS Version 0408 (First Release).

Ich bin kein Profi bin und weiß dass man mit einem BIOS Update auch sein System kaputt machen kann.

Kann ich nun ohne Probleme die aktuellste BIOS Version installieren oder muss ich jedes einzelne Update nacheinander installieren?

Danke im Voraus für eure Antworten!

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1 month ago

The times of destroyed boards are already loose 15-20J

and no just the most up-to-date and good is, unless in the meantime there was a version that needed a mid-range, but that’s at it (even gigabyte likes it)

and remember to configure again

1 month ago
Reply to  Remser5

Yes, after nem BIOS update, the factory management position is active

Why with stick? Is you nen Asus, the M-Flash should also be able to access the update file from the internal disk

1 month ago

You load the 3005, unpack the file into your data carrier’s master recess, restart the computer, go to the BIOS with “entf” to the M-Flash, either it recognizes the file directly or has to select the corresponding partition and follow the rejections

then go back in and activate the following: XMP, AHCI, TPM, ResBar (including Decider4G), UEFI mode (if BIOS or Legacy should be activated) and the rest leaves the fingers

which can be that you are still ne renamer.exe in the zip file, which has to start the update, so that the actual update file is properly named so that M-Flash also recognizes it as such, but is also in the TXT contained in it

1 month ago

What do you promise? – The PC will not be faster by a BIOS update alone.
Or is the update necessary for installing a new, more modern CPU?

If not, leave it better. In the case of failures, you will certainly get a real problem that can only be solved by a suitable computer workshop.

1 month ago


I’m not a professional and I know you can break your system with a BIOS update.

This is very unlikely

Can I install the latest BIOS version without any problems or do I have to install every single update one after another?

It depends. Sometimes you have to have a certain version to upgrade to a newer version. This is in the patch notes.
Then, if possible, choose the latest version which is not beta