Bios completely pixelated and frozen?
Hello my bios is completely pixelated and frozen I don't know what to do does anyone have any idea before I got this message see picture
Hello my bios is completely pixelated and frozen I don't know what to do does anyone have any idea before I got this message see picture
Hello everyone, I wanted to use my USB stick to download Windows 10 onto my emaschine e520 with Windows Vista, but my USB stick is not displayed in the boot menu. I did a bit of research and think that Secure Boot is the problem (I think). Please help me.
Was kann ich tun das ich diese Rechte bekomme?
Hallo, bei mir wurde der Installer der Armoury Crate App geöffnet und ich kann das nicht zu ordnen. Fraglich, da ich kein Asus Komponente oder Peripherie besitze. Im Taskmanager kann ich zum Dateipfad gehen und der Ordner ASUS beinhaltet mehrere Exe wie AsusGCGridService, AsZip, Checktool, QueryUWP und eben den Installer von Armoury Crate. Windows Defender…
In principle, this is only possible if you update the BIOS… how do you do this if the PC is just built?
Hallo! ich wollte nochmal die Frage stellen, warum ihr Android, iOS oder Windows benutzt? (Mit Windows meine ich Windows Phone, vielleicht benutzt es ja noch irgendjemand)
Turn on your PC and immediately press the power switch to interrupt the system. Repeat this step twice.
At the third start, the Windows recovery environment should be automatically loaded. Alternatively, you can use an installation medium.
In the recovery environment, you will find the option
System recovery. Select them and follow the instructions.
Select a recovery point created before the problem and start recovery.
Yes, so I still have to note that the Pc has no data because I recently assembled it myself
During a power failure, important system files could be damaged, especially if the failure occurs during an update or installation.
I have something like this at home
Can you ever have a power failure during an update?
If there is no data on it, simply format hard drive and reinstall Windows.
I would first make an integrity check, maybe the problem can be solved. Windows recovery is often broken.
Sorry, I missed your comment.
I always get a lot of messages.
You have to hold the button a little longer. I then wrote that you should reinstall Windows best if there are no data yet.
My Pc just doesn’t go out via the Powerbutton, but still I can turn it on with the Powerbutton
All jamming what’s going on.
Take out RAM clock.
Look again.