BioNTech, Pfizer oder Astra Zeneca?

Am Anfang war ich ganz klar gegen die Impfung, aber jetzt bin ich am Überlegen.

Am 01.06.2021 soll ja der digitale Impfnachweis in Kraft treten und ja, ich überlege, ob ich mich doch nicht impfen lassen sollte. Hat jemand schon Impferfahrung?

Ich will mir 101% sicher sein, bevor ich mich überhaupt impfen lasse.

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3 years ago

Yes, I was vaccinated last week with Biontech-Pfizer, had only slight headaches.

It is proven that the vaccine is very effective, for example Israel is already slowly experiencing the infection which has already been vaccinated.

You don’t get AstraZeneca, it’s only 60 years old.

The chance to get damage to one of the vaccines is according to a study by the University of Oxford 0.4 per 1 million.
The possibility of getting seriously ill or late sequences at Corona is a thousand times higher.

3 years ago

Biontech and Pfizer are the same vaccine, which are not two different. And it has a better effect and at the same time less side effects such as Astrazeneca.

3 years ago

100% security cannot give you because every person is different.

The most secure and effective is the vaccine of Prof. Stöcker. But the authorities refuse to do their work and test it in a great way. The German authorities prefer to sue Prof. Stöcker :-D))

The vaccine of BioNTech/Pfizer is very effective against the original virus form. But according to the Israeli health office, for example, the virus mutation from South Africa can break through protection. In addition, the vaccine from vaccination to vaccination could build more side effects.

It looks similar to the vaccine of Moderna.

Even China has admitted that its vaccine does not provide good protection. The vaccines of Russia and India are probably not good at all. Effectiveness and danger tested.

And the vaccination with Astrazeneca and Johnson and Johnson is a bit risky for young women.

worry for your immune system, take vitamin D and zinc, sleep adequately and regularly, do not overexercise but move in fresh air, do not smoke, drink no or barely alcohol, then you are on the safe side.

And with the vaccinations, there’s still something that the whole thing will develop.

3 years ago
Reply to  Carolin390

I am always intrigued

Neither safety nor efficacy of Stöcker’s vaccine is sufficiently proven. And the ad is absolutely justified, because it has put itself and others in danger in which it has injected a vaccine without sufficient preclinical studies of any person.

3 years ago
Reply to  dadita

But there are no reasons why it should be harmful to Stöcker’s vaccine.
In the vaccines that make the body produce a spike protein by genetic engineering, there are a lot of possible problems. The field trial in the nursing homes in Germany may be dubious.

3 years ago
Reply to  dadita

Neither safety nor efficacy of Stöcker’s vaccine is sufficiently proven.

Security and effectiveness are not experimentally proven, which, by the way, is the task of the authorities.

Safety and efficacy are of course demonstrated by the theoretical means of biochemistry and molecular medicine.

And the ad is absolutely justified, because it has put itself and others in danger in which it has injected a vaccine without sufficient preclinical studies of any person.

Only for people who have no idea or are paid by the Deep State.

3 years ago

For years, they have been able to predict exactly what opinion they represent and with the label “science” or “consence”.

You ask yourself who protects our constitution from our constitutional protection.

3 years ago

Seufz. And we change flying to the usual conspiracy theories. DAS is predictable behavior.

Just as it was absolutely predictable that those who survived in a vaccine of the strictly supervised clinical trials with several tens of thousands of participants with excellent results have something of “unsafe and not sufficiently tested” are now shouting blindly after the actually completely untested work of any individual.

3 years ago

Mjutu and dadita, your commitment here is another indication of this “political power”, there are thousands of opinion makers on the net, who always represent the exact position of the Ministry of Truth. For years, they have been able to predict exactly what opinion they represent and with the label “science” or “consence”.

3 years ago


No “political power” is behind these vaccines. They have simply proved to be safe and effective in clinical trials. Unlike Stöcker Machwerk, which can have no relevant security data and only very, very weak evidence for its effectiveness.

3 years ago


Stöcker’s vaccine is no less dangerous than RNA or vector vaccines. None of the potential complications depends appreciably on the type of vaccine and all are very safe and effective.

3 years ago

My advice to you: Don ́t feed the TROLLS.

But still thank you for your comments.

3 years ago

But there are no reasons why it should be harmful to Stöcker’s vaccine.

This is not a scientifically sound approach.

Since the political power is behind Pfizaahh, Astradings and Modern Abums

There is no political power behind it, but politicians are guided by the medical knowledge. The limitations for AstraZeneca have you also got, right?

3 years ago

Since the political power is behind Pfizaahh, Astradings and Modern Abums, one will of course endeavour to present this stuff as “unsafe” and to press the competition. But has nothing to do with medicine and science, but is the purest lobbyism, or worse.

3 years ago

Seufz. And the typical mixture of ignorance and conspiracy theories.

No. This is not the task of the authority. The task of the laboratory would be to seek a sponsor with properly conducted preclinical studies. It then carries out further preclinical and clinical studies, which are monitored and controlled by the Authority.

Stöcker’s attempts are largely worthless. The results are by no means sufficient for statements such as

The most secure and effective is the vaccine of Prof. Stöcker.

It is also only possible to apply.

3 years ago

You have a long time and can wait, because until your age comes to vaccine, you still have to. Until then, there are certain further findings.

Unless you belong to a prioritized group. But even there can’t be vaccinated by anyone, because dates should be available for this.

Biontech and Pfizer are the same.

3 years ago

It is a decision for life – sometimes cynical.

I’d think why this pressure is being built. Especially in vaccines that are not strictly accepted, because they do not make immune: mask and tralala are further required. Ask yourself what really is behind it and ask yourself about the risks. Denmark, for example, is administered Notification of yesterday Astra Zeneca vaccine anymore!

The internationally recognized ethical rules of the Nuremberg Codex apply to human experiments – and something else untested vaccines are not! – especially if a vaccine has no official approval. Tip from a lawyer: insert a few blank examples of a declaration for security!


3 years ago
Reply to  Spielwiesen

I’d think why this pressure is being built.

Who builds what pressure?

Ask yourself what really is behind it

Behind the vaccinations is a method to protect people from severe corona events and to reduce the risk of infection. Because it doesn’t help 100.0%, masks are also receptive.

Human attempts – and something else are not untested vaccines!

This is dramatizing polemics. The vaccines are tested.


Exactly. No one has to be impressed by conspiracy theorists who speak of the “depopulation” of the world.

3 years ago
Reply to  mjutu

“This is dramatizing polemics. The vaccines are tested….”

Clearly these “vaccinations” are tested – guess How?

3 years ago
Reply to  mjutu

It is a mass test involving the whole population.

In the rush, the vaccines were given a provisional authorisation, which in turn establishes the competence of the Nuremberg Codex: human experiments can only be carried out with the individual’s informed consent and it is necessary to ensure that the information is truthfully given and nothing is retained – and that the recipient understands the information at all. In the case of an adversity and under compulsion, this is a breach of the law which is to be observed.

You’re talking about conspiracy theories? What do you mean?

Denmark and some other countries are no longer using vector ‘impacts’ due to massive thromboses and other serious side effects (as of yesterday). More and more people can count 1 + 1 together and weigh the risk of a slightly healing disease against a dangerous vaccination, which does not make immune, but on the contrary in acute cases still activates viruses and makes the carrier contagious. The rest is politics.

3 years ago
Reply to  Spielwiesen

👍👍👍So it is @Playing Points!

3 years ago

Drugs in drugs… Well, what do Opioid medicines contain? Now are the best painkillers. The application is important.

There yes, but not in banal painkillers. And opioids are usually used only in really heavy cases if I remember correctly. In the United States, if I remember correctly, a group was sentenced to something over half a billion, because they had integrated into a painkiller the most addictive part of Opium. It only came out when more and more people died on the street because of overdose.

And yes, there are dangerous drugs that make sense. Correctly applied. Here the doctor is asked what will be prescribed when.

Right and therefore the side effect must also be specified. Just don’t care about the drug. Since 1967, a group has been selling a medium which produces in 30-40% of the cases during a pregnancy misformations and impediments. The authorities were forced to inform them (?) on page 32 of the data. There you could also see that the fact was well known since 67.

Details on both in this one.

Here is also to see how pharmaceuticals and others like to cheat with statistics. Bio values that are considered healthy, maimulate and so on.

Sputnik… A good vaccine with factory-specific quality problems. You need to specifically negotiate what you get for Sputnik in the Cf. To the submitted. And no authority likes that. If the problem is solved, the EMA will quickly get through it.

In what I read, the study data in the Russian and Chinese vaccine were strange, perfect and thus potential cheating on the documents. Quality problems are something else.

It is not a secret that is too often cheated and if even publicly legal it is bringing far from Querdenker.

3 years ago

Drugs in drugs… Well, what do Opioid medicines contain? Now are the best painkillers. The application is important.

And yes, there are dangerous drugs that make sense. Correctly applied. Here the doctor is asked what will be prescribed when.

China’s vaccines are very moderately efficient, and China has recently applied for authorisation in Europe.

Sputnik… A good vaccine with factory-specific quality problems. You need to specifically negotiate what you get for Sputnik in the Cf. To the submitted. And no authority likes that. If the problem is solved, the EMA will quickly get through it.

3 years ago

Such lies are so corrosive… And yet without punishment. No

Like a lawyer said on REZO’s video. There is no law forbiding politicians to lie and it is not possible to take responsibility for that.

A very typical Covidot argument is to have read somewhere quite sure and from the aunt of a working mate…..

So you want to publicly eat legal media as a blur? Okay, that’s what conspiracy theorists believe. But those who do business of the pharmaceutical industry, lies, fraud, dangerous medicines, to drugs in medicines that is all reality and well known. Only in the vaccines of China and Russia are mistrustful because of the studies which provide visible counterfeit figures.

3 years ago

Oh, my God, I’m staring at fear! You still have the Nazi lobe left – are you gonna pick it up next time you want to put your heap here?

3 years ago

AfD voters, alu hat bearers, rich citizens… what do you want to expect from such people? You only believe what you get sent by like-minded people in telegram. Nothing else.

3 years ago

The claim that all animals have died in the Corona vaccine tests is a lie and it is corrosive. If you want to insist on this claim, you can add a corresponding source.

3 years ago

Whoever speaks of ‘etching lies’ should be careful in his glass house! You can utter yourself!

3 years ago

This is not a threat, but a finding: such corrosive lies are criminal. A “putted responsible scientist” would not put such a lie into the world or spread it further.

The animal tests were carried out successfully – of course without the animals dying. Otherwise, the attempts with people would not have begun. In the meantime, more than 7 billion doses of people are vaccinated. It was also to read in “multiple places” on the Internet that the vaccinations were on the 15th day. September 2021 die. I guess that was nix. You could learn something from it or you leave it.

3 years ago

A very typical Covidot argument is to have read somewhere quite sure and from the aunt of a working mate…..

3 years ago

Use your threats to the sources of this statement! Why should confessed responsible scientists cheat?

3 years ago

Such lies are so corrosive… And yet without punishment. No

3 years ago

I remember reading several places ago that the test phase was broken down on animals because none of them survived. Then they just went on with people.

3 years ago

Of course, but it is the very short period between the “emergency registration” and the application.

The vaccines were approved in December 2020 after they were tested as comprehensive as other vaccines. In the meantime, 10 months have passed and 2.5 billion doses have been inoculated. That’s why it’s time to talk about a “very short time” today.

Even if the time was short: The time between acquaintance of the Corona pandemic and the infection of many people was also very short. The problem was urgent. That is why we spoke and speak all for a rapid development of vaccines. What is the alternative: research for years, although the results are already solid and millions of people die?

You seem to have been badly informed about the procedures for admission of vaccines, or perhaps have become victims of the disinformation campaigns that rage on Telegram and YouTube. This is your problem, because it prevents you from protecting yourself with a vaccination. Too bad for you and too bad for the hospital staff that I’m in emergency.

3 years ago

As usual, vaccines are first tested on the cell model and then on animals, then in controlled studies on humans.

Of course, but it is the very short period between the “emergency registration” and the application.

Everyone needs to know that.

I refuse. Whether others can be inoculated is their problem – so that those who produce the vaccine reject any liability.

3 years ago

Why would I guess? You can read this in the study reports. As usual, vaccines are first tested on the cell model and then on animals, then in controlled studies on humans. As we can now see vaccinations administered at 2.5 billion, the risk of vaccination is just as high as the studies have shown. The term “human experiment” is deviant, but corresponds to the typical rhetoric of the people who spread lies on the Internet with polemic hetzes via corona vaccinations.

3 years ago

Denmark and some other countries are now no longer using vector ‘impacts’ due to massive thromboses and other serious side effects

You call about 30 cases of thrombosis “massive” in many millions of vaccinations. These are no doubt side effects that you have to worry about. The “massive” is, however, inappropriate rhetoric. You speak of other “engraving” side effects – what?

The risk of dying through corona is significantly higher than vaccinations. Corona as a “lightly healing disease” is cynical spot for the 2,97 million dead.

vaccination which does not make immune, but on the contrary, in acute cases, still activates viruses and makes the carrier contagious,

That’s really wrong. Imfpungen does not activate viruses and also does not contagious.

You harmonize the effects of corona and try to panic with the overdramatization of the vaccination effects. You use invented side effects. Your final assertion that the rest would be “policy” is one of the conspiracy theories I mean.

More and more people can count 1 + 1

After over a year, the information that a corona infection is life-threatening is still not permeated to you. Do not overestimate your skills to see what is 1+1.

3 years ago

I wouldn’t support this. That’s about the same as Josef Mengele tried to make KZ’s inmates. German doctor’s sheet: Archive “Law: Deadly Tests” (30.11.2007) (

3 years ago
Reply to  Baschini

…and you feel like Sophie Scholl, right?

3 years ago
Reply to  Barbdoc

No, I’m a man and no woman

3 years ago
Reply to  Baschini

We’ve tested our high speed corona vaccine. People who do everything for a few bucks, for poverty and hunger, and they don’t bother and nobody notices. But I think that even Mengele knew some limits. At least, think Arier was safe from him. No one is safe from corporations.

3 years ago

You obviously don’t like it, and you’re talking stupid.

3 years ago

You mean if you don’t like it.

3 years ago

Oh, yeah, I see you coming over like that…. How about keeping your mouth shut if you can’t do anything.

3 years ago

I don’t know you and I don’t want to meet you either. If you’re a child, you can see here clearly.

3 years ago

You know me? Who are you?

3 years ago

I guess so.

3 years ago

Why would I feel like Hans Scholl? I don’t know Hans Scholl personally.

3 years ago

It’s like Hans Scholl.

3 years ago

Attention, ignorance does not protect against punishment (and also does not prevent permanent damage due to side effects!)

3 years ago

Biontech Pfizer is one. So a Vakzin. If you have the choice between the BP and AZ, then decide age and gender. The thromboses occurred in women by 30.