Biologie Rückkreuzungen – Kreuzungen?

Hallo, ich brauche Hilfe.

Ich verzweifle an dieser Übung:

Marius´ Vater hat braune Augen (dominant) und seine Mutter blaue Augen (rezessiv). Marius heiratet Olivia. Sie hat braune Augen, sowie ihre beiden Eltern. Sie bekommen einen Sohn mit blauen Augen.

a) Kann man mit Sicherheit den Genotyp von Marius bestimmen?

b) Kann man mit Sicherheit den Genotyp von Olivia bestimmen?

c) Welche Genotypen haben die Großeltern?

Ich hoffe auf Hilfe.

Vorab danke und liebe Grüße.

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2 years ago

The best way to describe the two features with a letter. Then write up possible genotypes of the mentioned persons.

Then you will create a possible cross square (pennet square).

Then you think about the questions. A few basics about Mendel Genetics wouldn’t be quite wrong.


2 years ago
Reply to  DerJuJu893

That’s right.

What can you say about Olivia’s parents?

2 years ago

For the first time you paint the family tree. Very rough:

a) Marius has the genotype Rr with high safety. Since his mother has to have forced circulation rr and his father must have at least one dominant allele so RR or Rr. In any case, he gets the r from the mother and since he has brown eyes he must get a dominant allele. So Rr

(b) Olivia will also have Rr, as both Marius and Olivia both need a recessive allele to pass it on to the child as it has rr

c) Grandparents of Marius maternal have both rr. On the part of the father either RR or Rr. Olivia’s grandparents on the mother side may have Rr and Rr or Rr and RR.

2 years ago

German schooling can be forgotten.

Tasks which do not correspond to the state of scientific knowledge are constantly being performed.

So here too…

The inheritance of the eye color does not follow the classic genetics of Mendel.

So stupid curricula and teachers make sure that the students learn any crap that does not correspond to the current state of knowledge.

There is no wonder that we have reached the level of education of a banana republic in international comparison.

Above all, the wrong one goes once learned, only very hard again out of the heads.

Best regards
