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1 year ago
  1. Activation: Glycolysis begins with an investment of energy in which two ATP molecules (adenosine triphosphate) are used to activate the glucose. Glucose is a six-chain molecule, and this activation makes it more unstable and more responsive.
  2. Division: The activated glucose is then split into two molecules of pyruvate. This step takes place in a series of enzymatic reactions and requires no additional energy supply.
  3. Energy production: During the cleavage, NADH molecules are also produced which carry energy. In addition, four ATP molecules are formed, but two ATP molecules previously invested are subtracted. Therefore, the net energy gain in glycolysis is 2 ATP molecules.
  4. End products: At the end of the glycolysis, two molecules of pyruvate, some NADH molecules and a net yield of 2 ATP molecules are obtained.
1 year ago

Glucose is a relatively stable sugar ring. Glycolysis can be reacted with sugar ring resolution. Then there are two fragments.