Biogas / Kraft-Wärme Kopplung?
kann mir jemand den genauen Ablauf der KWK bei Biogas erklären. Wie wird hierbei aus Kälte Wärme gewonnen ?
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Power heat coupling means that not only the electrical energy generated by a power plant is used, but also the remaining heat energy.
In conventional power plants, the remaining heat energy is referred to as “waste heat” and how waste is disposed of: with river water and through the cooling towers.
In the case of power plants with KWK, the remaining heat energy is passed on as useful heat, e.g. through a district heating network to heat houses or to heat industrial plants.
If the power plant Biogas is driven, it works as well.
That sounds as if not a power plant is meant, but a Heat pump. This is a technique for itself and has nothing to do directly with power heat coupling.
Of course you can do both: with a biogas power plant with KWK generate useful heat and electricity, and with this power drive heat pumps with which you gain additional heat from the environment.