Biochemie endgültig nicht bestanden?
Eine Bekannte von mir hat den 3. Versuch im Fach Biochemie endgültg nicht bestanden und Prüfungsanspruch verloren.
Sie hat absolut keine Ahnung wie es jetzt weitergehen soll. War vielleicht einer von euch schonmal in einer ähnlichen Situation und kann ihr ein paar Tipps geben?
Und bitte kein “dann wechsel eben den Studiengang”
Medizin ist und bleibt ihr Lebenstraum den sie nicht aufgeben möchte.
Ein Studium im Ausland kommt leider aus finanziellen Gründen nicht in Frage und die Ausicht auf einen Härtefallantrag an meiner Uni ist eigentlich so gut wie ausgeschlossen
So, since good English language skills are a basic requirement in scientific studies, it should not be a problem for them to apply for examination in an English-speaking country. They could have better prospects of success if they are already applying for themselves in advance with an employer in Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, where there is a serious shortage of skilled workers in medical professions, just like in Germany. In other words, in these countries, they would encounter a wide range of supportive aids which would make it easier to move. As far as I know, in particular Canada has a serious shortage of skilled workers in this area. At least one attempt could not hurt.
I am so sorry, but due to the loss of the claim for examination after multiple non-compliance, the result is the enrollment and thus the end of the study. Apart from a hardship application (as there are reasons) there is not much left. Actions can try, but on what basis?
Only a professional reorientation remains (with impossible studies at a private or foreign university). You can try to get close to the doctor’s profession, for example by studying as Physician Assistant. Alternatively, you can go in the nursing direction or, of course, in emergency medicine (emergency analyst) or the OP (OTA or ATA).
Training for rescue nurse maybe
Even if you don’t want to hear this in this situation… But then, unfortunately, the dream finally broke up.
There is no other alternative than already mentioned.
But there are also many professions in healthcare.
Apply a nursing training and then possibly Physician Assistant….
Look, that might be interesting.
marry a doctor? Ne – seriously: Have no alternative to this …
Private university. Then stop working