Bing 1105 Vergaser an Simson S51?
Moin zusammen,
ich bin gerade dabei meine Simme mal wieder klar zu machen um bisschen Spritkosten zu sparen.
Da ich schon eine Zeit lang bisschen Probleme mit meinem Standgas habe (BVF 16N1-11) wollte ich mir mal einen Bing Vergaser zulegen.
Empfohlen für die S51 wird der Bing 17-15-1103 empfohlen. Auf EBay habe ich einen 17-15-1105 gefunden, dieser soll auch für die S51 passen, wird aber immer als „50kmh Version“ verkauft.
Ich vermute, das bezieht sich auf die Originalverbauung zu DDR Zeiten. Kann ich den trotzdem ganz normal an der S51 nutzen?
I haven’t met this recommendation yet, but as a champion of originality, I haven’t really dealt with bingo gasifiers yet.
If one is sold as a “50 km/h version”, it can refer to those 51s that are entered here as a re-import only at 45 km/h.
If you want to drive a bingo, you probably have to make a single take on the technical, because Bing was originally never intended for the S51.
I meant that with the “recommendation”. Originally the Bing 1103 was installed at the S51 in recent years. That’s why it’s possible to move without a single take as far as I’ve read.
The Bing 1105 was apparently used original at 50kmh models of other series, but is probably identical with the 1103… I read at least in some forums, but the people weren’t sure.
But it was apparently installed at the S53er. At least I would appreciate it if I looked at the shop offer.
Applies at least to the two guys you mentioned.
This is amazing, respect who can do this! 🙂
Then a lot of success.
By the way: I also had carburetor problems with my first 51, because I had ordered a new one (also 16N). What I did not realize at the time was that the shell was dislocated and the seal did not hold properly. At some point, we went on holiday in the east and made friends with a Simson screwdriver. In the following year, holiday made in the same place and brought the Simme with spare parts. Mr. Screwer had eliminated the problem (and even more small things, such as false Bowden cable guide and brake light adjustment) after 2 hours. He knew the glass plate trick that quickly recognizes unevenness. Simply again the old GDR carburetor equipped with the nozzles of the new carburetor, new seal, finished. And what I find incredible is that he can set the carburetor to the point, even though the engine is out. 20 years of screwdriver experience.
Probably not. I’ve been trying a lot but always had problems. Right now, he’s going fine so you can drive. If the stand gas is only bad, you have to screw quite high.
Even new carburetors had it, but always had problems driving downhill or uphill with stuttering and that the engine went out…
I might try jets, or even a 16n3. I’ll get rid of Bing again, they’re sold out everywhere.
Yes cool, one of mine also 😉
There was definitely a BVF 16N 1-11 installed, as you have it under now. And you mean he wouldn’t be saving with a new treat?
My is a B2-4 of 83 with E ignition
I cannot deny or agree in the last instance. My spare parts catalog is from 1987 and the repair manual of 1986. There’s no Bing yet. But in 1986 it was only the time when the previous BVF 16N 1-11 was exchanged for the more environmentally friendly 16N 3-4. Is there any other carburetor-manufacturer?
And as far as construction times are concerned, it comes to the respective type. The “N” was built only up to 87, the B1-3 and the “E” only up to 88, B1-4, B2-4 and “C” up to 89. The S53 then started in September 90.
This is probably related to the decrease, whether the Bing was originally listed as a spare part (not original installed) or not. So I read this out of some forums… Fahrzeugtyp
Yeah, I’m not getting really smart out of all the lists. I found the assignment here. The 1105 is not there.