Binden größe?
Gibt es Fraun die echt so große Binden tragen besonders so iele das es sich lohnt das gewerblich zu verkaufen?
Und wie muss man sich das vorstelln das man so ne große braucht?
(Besonders steht auf dem Edikett Small also gibts echt noch größere und wie groß kann man sich das vorstelln?)
The one on the photo is really quite long
But at night and with very strong bleeding, this is appropriate
If I wanted to wear a bandage instead of a cup at night, I would probably need such a big one to stop messing with sours.
As you can see on the lady herself, she is not a line in the landscape. So she’s got a size down there too. Others are such bandages intended to carry them to sleep, that is to say in the lying, and not during the day. Many women feel more relaxed at night when they know that really everything is covered even when they move in sleep.
Naja side can still not be up
There would be a wind more protection
You’ve got legs on the side. You can’t do anything else.
please don’t break it like that. There are many products for this problem. Some find this an appealing or practical and others something quite different.
Take what you’re looking for and is good.
But there’s such a gum on the side
Hey, no, no, no, no.
In addition, a normal for the period is sufficient. If you lose very strong blood, then you take a bandage with more absorbency and change more often a day.
The one on your picture is really unrealistic
Doe gives but real to buy as period product
The picture has 18 inch
Joa, there are now a lot of shit to buy💩
As you see in the lower picture, there are different sizes. These reusable bindings are intended, inter alia, for women who do not constantly have disposable bindings available and cannot change every two hours. Depending on the size of the body, activity and the possibility to change, the large size can already be useful.
They are huge
I can wrap it around my head
If what the woman shows on the picture is a sanitary nap for the period, I doubt that strongly.
This looks more like something worn in incontinence, from size.
Ne loud shop are the reusable binding
These are actually washable bonds. They’re supposed to be more environmentally friendly than the throw away things. I don’t think the idea is bad in itself, but I don’t think it’s hard to wash things in my laundry. I saw her here and there in a video or post.
These bandages are washed out immediately after wearing in the sink to remove everything coarse and then they come into the washing machine for the rest. It is nix grayish or unhygienic. Just because you are not used to it in our latitudes, you should not reject it immediately.
I answered before the second picture came, I’ve never heard of washable bandages. What irritated me was the size.
I can’t imagine the material on the bottom must be dense so that nothing is running out. How is that supposed to be washed?
Things are enclosed. Now I’ve become really curious.
Naja baby winds are also available in doe cookery
I personally find baby cuddly more disgusting than blood
Bzw I find period blood not disgusting
to buy at dm
Yeah, I’d be skeptical, too, but I don’t have a baby and I can’t say if I did. But my stand now is that I find it disgusting
I have seen one on tiktok that sews these things and it takes different fabrics and also an impermeable one so that it does not go through. The size had irritated me because I can’t imagine that the “invisible” are when I wear tight pants and this thing inside pants ^^^ Meanwhile there are a few more shops for it, but I wouldn’t want to buy them now.
Must already work there are many providers
I guess I’ll wash out with the hand and then go to the cookery
No… at least not
I don’t think this is binding. Please set up a link.
Hm, the shop is empty. As I said, I don’t think it’s periodicals, and they’re too big.
I can’t imagine women need such an Oschi.
Such great bonds are not for the period but for incontinence
According to the trader, this is a period product
Sorry, but this is ridiculous- no woman wears so a huge part with just about 60 ml of blood on average within 4-7 days.
Was there a docu on nitro: “Life with 300kg,” I can imagine, :))
All right, if you mean…
I don’t see any sense in getting involved in discussions here.
Perhaps the giant parts are also intended for women beyond the 150 kg, with a corresponding butt (if there are more in the USA)
These are all periodical products and no inconsistency products
Yes, but you can’t see what size the buyers have bought, who have evaluated the parts.
As stated, the 18 in (approximately 46 cm) are certainly not used for period bleeding
I’m sure they’re not all so big, they’re pictured there. There are products I don’t want to have, but others already.
It has everything
On top you also see the order
On the 2 picture you can see smaller bandages… they could be okay.
Read the buyer reviews
But you won’t find any customers.
Is still a period product
Just for carnival.