Also, ich habe heute meine Tage bekommen. Da bei uns Herbstferien waren, war das jetzt kein großes Problem, aber jetzt kommt ja wieder die Schule. An alle Mädels, wie macht ihr das, wenn ihr die Binde wechseln müsst. Ihr könnt ja schlecht jede Stunde oder jede zweite Stunde aufstehen. Ich habe heute ungefähr 4 Binden voll geblutet. Ist das viel?
Simply go in the break or intermediate hour, you can also take a little thicker that keep longer. But it will be less on Mondays, so it is at least with me. I bleed half the first two days, and after that, I’ll be fine.
I used ties, too, if you change them in the break, that’s enough. If you feel it gets wet then the teachers will definitely leave you to the toilet under the hour.
You can go to the toilet during the breaks or sometimes ask in the hour.
Break to the toilet.
If you bleed so much, you better stay home.
That’s not much.
Tell that to the millions of women who work with it daily or go to school;) you cannot stay home every month
But stay at home when the pain is correspondingly strong.
School is not a job :))
Yes, but that was not the basic statement. If such severe pain occurs, the urgently medically examined