Bin zum 3ten mal durch die Fahrprüfung durchgefallen und brauche Hilfe bzw Typs?
1 Prüfung war Fahrlehrer, 2te war ich, jetzt 3te mal war der Fahrprüfer und jetzt mache ich mir sorgen wie es weitergeht .
1 Prüfung war Fahrlehrer, 2te war ich, jetzt 3te mal war der Fahrprüfer und jetzt mache ich mir sorgen wie es weitergeht .
Ich bin in der 12. Klasse eines OSZ´s und mache mein Fachabitur. Man bekommt ja sein Busgeld wieder zurück erstattet. Ich habe irgendwie mal mitbekommen (gelesen), dass es auch eine Benzingeldrückerstattung für das Benzin eines Autos für den Schulweg bekommt. Jedoch wüsste ich jetzt nicht wie man das beantragt. Kann mir jemand helfen ?
Hallo, ich möchte mir einen Gebrauchtwagen kaufen. Ich habe mich informiert und mir auch mehrere Autos angeschaut. Letztendlich habe ich zwei Favoriten. Mir ist bewusst, dass der Audi A1 eher mit dem Polo als mit dem Golf vergleichbar wäre, dennoch gefallen mir folgende beide Modelle sehr. Vielleicht kennt sich hier jemand besser aus als ich…
Wenn ich in den 15 Jahren einen Antrag auf Neuerteilung Stelle, beginnt ab da an die 15 Jahre von vorne oder nur die 10 Jahre Tilgungsfrist? Danke
Also von Steinschlägen kleine Kratzer entstehen? Ich hatte gestern so ein Geräusch gehört wie ein kleines quietschen. Da hatte ich später nach geschaut und einen kleinen Kratzer gesehen (oberflächig) Ich hörte es sonst immer nur von der Windschutzscheibe.
hallo und zwar habe ich BF17, bin aber noch nie ein Motorrad gefahren und soll bei Dominos mit einem 45kmh Moped Pizza ausliefern.. ich bin ehrlich, ich habe angst.. ist es schwer zu fahren? diese dinger da
Bin vorhin auf einer Strecke gefahren und war etwas schneller unterwegs und habe dann im Nachhinein in einer App bemerkt, dass dort ein Blitzer 100 KMH stand. Dort war 80 bei Nässe. Laut App war der Blitzer aber auf 100 KMH eingestellt. Leider hat es an diesem Abend geregnet. Der Blitzer wurde erstmalig um 17:00…
First of all, you should think about what it actually did in the first 3 exams. What can you do better and why did you fall through?
When I started smoking at 16/17, I wasn’t blunted by the cigarettes. That’s why I went so relaxed into the exam. Luckily, I had received an older examiner who had not noticed an obvious misfortune (maybe only had to be noted). What I want to hear is a little bit out of it, but I would try it with nicotine if you are non-smoker to stay relaxed in the exam. The disposable cigarettes are suitable for this purpose.
Most errors are caused by internal panic, uncertainty, stress situations and even tests. Apart from the stress that leads to serious mistakes and diarrhea in any case, I would not be handed over to the driver’s license to a test person who is afraid. The examiner looks like you’re driving, but he’s not free of prejudice. If you walk confidently and relaxed into the car and show the examiner that you can drive absolutely relaxed and safe, he will probably let you pass a slight misfortune. “light” means small things like driving past a bus at the speed of the step. – The thing is when a test person is absolutely stressed by the car alone, what should it look like if he is in front of a huge intersection in the middle of the city traffic? Or suddenly an ambulance comes from behind? “Seeing across” can be decisive.
Driving testers are ultimately also only human beings who can have both good and bad days, can be nice or rigorous, or can just push an eye out of sympathy. To let someone fall through the test, watching the test person as soon as possible starts crying is also not particularly great. Not even if you made a single slight mistake from nervousness.
As I said, to stay relaxed in the exam, I would give you a tip to relax with an ecigarette shortly before. You look more relaxed and automatically win points.
P.S. Save the weak counter-arguments like: “But safe car driving means making absolutely 0 mistakes”. Absolutely no one pays attention to every furrow on the road that has been learned before in theory.
according to My new driving instructor (have been driving school) changed one of his best driving trainers and that I’ve been driving for a long time, but he can’t understand why I can’t make it
I’m not a smoker.
My instructor recommended to make such a hypnosis therapy what do you think?
That’s why I talked about an e-cigarette. Unlike the cigarettes with their chemical cocktail, you have pure nicotine at an ecigarette. A one-time steaming of about 3-4 trains to calm the nerves will not make you immediately depend forever. For a addiction of cigarettes/vats, much more than the nicotine itself belongs. — With the nicotine you inhale at the moment, you will feel as if you were sitting in a completely normal driving hour.
I think a hypnotherapy won’t help you. On the contrary, If there is a psychiatrist, you will find reasons why you are not suitable for driving the car and can forget it directly. – I wouldn’t do it in your place.
If you still don’t want to steam, you should try exercises to better deal with stress. You will find good tips on the Internet that will help you. Otherwise you don’t have much left to try so often until it works:P
I thank you very much, will try the exercises because I don’t want to smoke as well as have no zigarette or so that’s why your type likes to take more exercises and try to reduce my stress.
I’ve already paid for a double driver’s license, and I can’t afford it anymore, that’s a problem that suppresses me.
Of course, first of all, put the blame on the driver.
Sorry, but he’s just doing his job. If you can’t drive safely, he can’t let you pass, so are the rules. He must also think of other road users and if he judges that you pose a danger, you don’t insist.
Keep practicing!
I know what I’m talking about.
I just told the truth and everyone knows this depends on the situation.
You failed because you did not make tolerable mistakes, the “Situation” doesn’t matter!
The examiner cannot let you pass, so are the rules. Road traffic is not a kindergarten, statements like “Ohh, I missed” can have been your last words in life, you always have to be clear. You’re not only threatening you, but also other road users!
And if you’re “surrect” on the right of the left and there’s a car, then a lot of fun. Or you’re looking over a pedestrian/wheeler when you turn, that can end up deadly… then these aren’t small things.
And for what exactly you have fallen through, stays in the dark
I’m paying the car for the license now.
my next test will be in another test place, so I have to do a few driving hours anyway, as I don’t know at all.
Could I theoretically still do the exam where I did the whole time or do I have to go where my driving instructor said?
A license loan? What are you paying for?
In case of doubts take a few driving hours and then should go optimistic and sleep in the next test
Thank you, I have to tell you honestly, the answers here help a lot.
I don’t have any more money, but don’t want to give up a case.
I started taking a loan of 2500€ that I have paid up to today but on it I already have the same Summer and still no driving license, slowly I worry about thank God is not alone I wouldn’t make it until now.
Another problem with me is that I’ve always been successful no matter what it’s about, it’s even more difficult to accept that I’m not successful this time, as well as I’m looking at the others who made this one or two times.
Always be cool, don’t let go cherry, just focus on traffic.
Yes, that’s exactly what my goal is, but I’m slowly worried about how I should finally do without mistakes sometimes the excitement and traffic situation plays a role
Then you’ll drive error-free during the next test and everything is good.
1st exam driving instructor has intervened without reason, 2 I was the one who took his drive while bending, so the 3th time had been a small mistake, but examiner said someone who had fallen through beautifully twice must not make a mistake at all.
I’m honest with myself.
Well, you fell through.
So keep training. and get to the next exam.
Thank you, I want to insist on the 4th time.
Help and tips are usually provided by the instructor.
Well, now you’re looking for a holiday-riding school on the Mosel and make holiday.
Then you come home with a brand new driving license and surprise your family with it.
What a blunt mind.