Bin schwanger – kann mir bitte jemand helfen?
Ich weiß nicht was ich jetzt machen soll , ich bin völlig in Panik .
Ich war eben bei meiner Frauenärztin und es wurde bestätigt ich bin schwanger !
Es war nicht so geplant weil ich erst 18 bin und in 1,5 Wochen am 1.08 meine Ausbildung als MFA anfangen werde und jetzt bin ich schwanger und ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll , für mich ist gerade eine Welt zusammengebrochen. Ich will auch das Kind auf gar keinen Fall Abtreiben aber ich weiß nicht was ich jetzt machen soll ..
Ich habe mich so sehr auf die Ausbildung gefreut und jetzt , was soll ich machen …
Bitte Hilfe , meine Eltern wissen es auch nicht und ka wie ich es jetzt denen erklären soll …..
Und was wird jetzt aus meiner Ausbildung, ich will es unbedingt machen !!! Ich bin jetzt in der 5. Schwangerschaftswoche
Hello, love
First time, let’s breathe. You’re in front of a huge task, but you’re stronger than you think. It’s completely okay to feel overwhelmed now, but there are ways you get all this under a hat. First, talk to your parents. Yes, this will probably be a difficult conversation, but you will be surprised how much support you can get from them when you are open and honest. They’ll want to know how you are and how they can help you.
Next, you’ll find support. Your female doctor can give you contacts to consultancy agencies that will help you create a clear plan. These professionals are familiar with the challenges young mothers live through, and they have many tips on how to master everything. Then it’s time to talk to your future employer. Explain your situation and find out which flexible options exist – you have to do so or so, because he must know that he can protect you properly as a mother. Many employers are willing to find individual solutions, especially in such special situations. Maybe you can start part-time training or postpone your training in the first few months.
Take care of your rights, too. There are laws that help you get your pregnancy and job under control. Maternity protection, parental leave and financial support are there to strengthen your back. You can also turn on a lawyer or a lawyer.
Plan how you want to start the next few months. Think about how to get your training and the baby under a hat. Maybe you can use help from family and friends or find support through special programs for young mothers.
Don’t forget to be good to yourself. You’ll have to afford a lot of physical and emotional. It’s okay to take help and take care of your well-being. You’re a strong woman, and even if it looks hard now, you have the power to do that. With support and a clear plan, you will begin your training and become a great mother at the same time; I am convinced.
Love greetings ☀️
Thank you very much for such a detailed answer, you really helped me thank you.
Yeah, you’re right I’m gonna make it all!
God will; I believe in you
Try to calm down first.
If you want the child, the point is yes. Yes, everything is going to be more complicated than planned and different in time, but life is not always planned. Believe me, if the first shock is overcome, you can look forward again.
You won’t start training in August or you shouldn’t. Because MFA will be a profession where you are directly excluded from employment by giving birth to pregnancy. Yes, you can not hide them for the first time, but the ban on employment is not for fun, but for protecting you and the child. Did you mention the training at the FA?
You’re only in the 5th. Week, there can be some more, miscarriages are common until the 3rd month. So even if you want to keep the child, you have keien guarantee that it works. After all, every 3rd pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, just so you know numbers. Don’t worry, just honestly show that nothing’s safe yet.
As I said, breathe first, take the day rest, then talk again, if necessary, with the female doctor for a certificate of employment ban if not yet.
After that, you will soon have to inform your future boss, ideally not until 01.08. Yeah, he probably won’t be thrilled because no new azuub is found in the short term, but it’s just that. If they want to push you to the cancellation contract, don’t sign anything. If you are lucky, they are uninspiring, but friendly and support you, say your desire to do the training anyway. If they ask you how to imagine it in time, honestly say that you don’t have a closer plan because everything is still so fresh, but it’s your desire to do this training, so you’re ready even if it’s much more stressful with child to pull it through. You have the right to re-enter or re-enter after the end of employment ban, maternity protection, parental leave, etc. to start in general, so if necessary your start simply shifts by one year or more, as pregnant you can not be quit as easily. In addition, as I said, it could also happen that pregnancy should not be, it comes to a miscarriage, and you are late this year.
Your parents are probably shocked for the first time, so don’t put every word on the gold scale. If you’ve caught up so far and the first shock is overcome, talk to them that you’re unplanned pregnant and will keep the child, even if you realize that this is complicated.
If the father is involved, but even if he doesn’t want to do anything with the child, he must pay maintenance later. If all, your parents, the father, if necessary his parents, possibly also a few friends or other relatives support you, then it becomes easier with training. But even without support or only offers from the Office you can make it that will only be more stressful for you.
Later, you can also contact the board responsible for your training, whether there are any help or advice for mothers through previous cases, how to get all this better under one hat.
I wish you all the best and strength for the future.
Thank you very much for such a detailed answer!!! Has helped me very much, I have another question but as long as I can still start training or many have written that I can start training. And it will take some time until I can’t work school and 2 days of work will be possible for a few months, so I can’t say anything first and normally start training on 1.08 or?
Hello Hannah, the training is the most important thing for you and starts next week. That was the point you’ve lived on. My thought was also: What did the female doctor say? The BV is really such a thing. Maybe you can still start and do some things in practice. Or is it starting with a block school? Maybe it would be a model for you to make the school part? I think there are different models. Otherwise there was so much good in the answer.
When do you want to tell your parents? Are you living with them? Much strength for this moment. She’s probably shocked like you. But how do you know her? How do you value her in this situation?
Love for you! We can also write privately if you like.
Greetings from Lina
It depends on the risk assessment that your employer needs to do when you inform him of pregnancy. If there’s a risk for the baby, you can’t work anymore. It would be better to talk to the AG and start training one year later if the baby is here and you have a care solution.
I would, in any case, inform the employer before the start of the training. You are not obliged to do this, but only from the 12th. Week of pregnancy, but it’s not good! If you’re starting to get out of there normally and then after a few weeks you’re pregnant. Take many minus points in the entire operation.
but this is of course left to everyone and your own choice. If you’re lying, you’re on the safe side, and you’re not going to kiss until the baby’s 6 weeks old.
Why would I tell the employer trz? – he gains confidence because he knows directly – you can find a solution that suits you both, for example, that you only pause the training from maternity protection and return immediately, or just start later, etc. -you can say directly that you are going through the training in any case -on you will be taken into consideration
If you dismissed it, your employer may terminate you after your baby just a few weeks old because you have concealed it and that was with the training.
I speak from experience– I experienced a day after interview from my pregnancy, it was told directly and I was released to start trz or start next summer without problems! And I was only thanked to have said
First of all, breathe deeply, you are shocked that is understandable, but you will not come around to indulge your parents in pure wine, sooner or later you will see the belly anyway, and you will have enough time to be able to think about how to continue in the future, the father should also be brought into the boat.
Well, first thing you have to think about is if you want to drive or not. You’re saying you don’t want to. I also think that it is clear to you that it would be more sensible at least once to consider objective.
But let’s say you want to keep the child. I would recommend you to sit with your parents, the father and his parents, or maybe later with your grandmas and grandpas.
As far as training is concerned, check how far it is possible to carry out work as pregnant women. And then say if with the operation. Pregnancy doesn’t mean you can’t work. It only makes a lot more complicated. And of course you’ll miss a few weeks and probably won’t be able to take a big parental leave.
Alternatively, there may be the option to start next year after the child has come to the world.
Either way, the toddler + full-time working is an extreme burden in particular when parents and grandparents do not play with. Also the question of how far the father can and wants to do here.
This will be a few unpleasant ENtscheidungen that you have to meet but best sit down and breathe through, nothing of it needs to be decided right now or today.
In the end, you have to see how much support you can get and who can possibly take over. But if you want to have both AUsbildung and child you will have to compromise somewhere.
Thank you for the detailed answer!!
No problem, I hope it helps. In the end, I can only tell you that everything is possible. The question is always just whether you’re ready for it. But who is not afraid of unfortunate decisions and willing to make decisions is actually clear. And there is always option in Germany;)
Just as an example, I started my first training after 20 and I think I studied again with 28 and now do something completely different with 36 and earn very well with it:)
Life is long and let’s say you’re wearing your child, then stay 3 years home then you’re 21 years old
That’s nothing, life starts with 21:)
So don’t worry too much about what you want, see what’s possible and then do it somehow in harmony and if you do the training 1 year later or just can’t go up to 22 every weekend suafening the world doesn’t go under 😉
You’ve already shot yourself off the road.
Why do you not understand what the difference between subjective and objective is? I can live with this;)
The questioner has helped my answer and opinion, which is why
Thank you for your help!
That’s why I say, breathe first. Nothing has to be decided tonight.
I know this is not a simple subject, and at your age everything is a bit worse than it actually is;) so we were all times.
Breathe through come down and talk to your parents. One step after another not all at once.
Yes you’re right, of course I want to spend so much time with my future child, private life is not as important to me as going away at the WE etc the child and training is important to me, but child is going ahead and I really don’t know how to do it. As you have written, actually, I can start at least 7 months of training just the problem after …
Yes I live with my parents yes my friend works but we don’t have so much money yet.
This is also the problem of whether the company is involved, fear of losing training if I say it now, so I would like to start training, and as long as the child is not yet there I do not want to sit at home all the time.
Ohh I don’t know, but thanks to you first have to get clear and in peace everything is difficult to get clear from today to tomorrow with the situation
This is one of the decisions you have to make. But let’s say your job can be done pregnant (please don’t get a few, carnival, painter and so on, for example). How far do you have to check online or ask the company.
Then you can work a few weeks before birth, not pleasant but go. Then you have a few weeks after birth and then you could get back to work.
But now, who cares for the child when you’re on work? Do you want to give the child that while? Or are you doing some parental time? This goes as an azure (must be cleared)
Many mothers want to be with the child for the first time.
Such things have to be clarified. That’s why it’s so important to all. The question is, what does the father do? Can your parents support financial, babysitting or work the beater?
How bad would it be to start training later? Does the company do it?
How’s your life situation? Do you live at home or do you have to think about your own apartment in parallel?
How important is private life, so what to do in the evening and go on the weekend?
And what does it look like when I start training first? How long could I make the training and when would I have to pause it?
Panik doesn’t help now.
So drive down!
And then you’ll think about it.
You’re not going to tell your parents about it, and of course the one who witnessed the child. You’re not gonna make it alone, so you have to be so grown up and take responsibility. You can’t ignore that.
You can start training anyway. If the child comes then you go to Maternity / Karenz and if it is old enough to be able to day care, you continue the training. It’s not ideal. And yes, we’re fucking exhausting. But if you want the child, it must be like that.
Please also make a consultation appointment with a UNABHÄNGIGEN Pregnancy Advice and get the advice certificate (even if you don’t have to discard). Just don’t go to an ecclesiastical or pro-life institution where you just say that you can’t kill anything instead of actually advise you. This is the last thing you need to hear now.
I wonder what condoms exist for now? If you don’t have to use it, you don’t have to wonder if you get pregnant!
Stop it – such a talk makes no sense now partout (more). The child is existent and thus basta.
If we were to think about this in the PREFACE, then a training place will be blocked again for someone who would really go through the training, it would be possible to pause clearly in the training if there is little one but training and child together. DASS create due least, as well as in the whole bruise etc of nem infant
Did I just say my opinion or is that now illegal?ðŸ ̃‰
I have neither child nor have I bock on such noise ending was very well but 4 completed training and now!? Unfortunately, you can see too often that there are many people who don’t make it, etc.? I find only a pity in the point about the training place should TE possibly really nich create and many others would last and supple, blocking the training place for someone else who might sound so hard at least to do so. If you wanted to have the place soooo very much.. If you would have stayed before the cocktail sausage party with Majo.. 🤮🤣 Ne “Serviette” should be overstretched then that whole thing seems to be different now..and we wouldn’t discuss about this stuff here, don’t mean I wish it was the TE that everything is going well but my work experience tells me rather that it will be 75%
You may not be able to. But don’t go from you to others.
You have to do the training later. And you’re 18 you don’t have to justify it. You can.
Can I still start training as long as it is still possible?
I think so. Why not?
She does not need anything in this context. That’s perfect bullshit. It is also possible to complete a training pregnant.
Stand for it. You need the help, so sit down with your parents and tell them.
There is a solution for everything. Sit with friend and Elter. You can do this. I was also unplanned with 37 pregnant and thought everything crashed together but it went on and you can do that too.
You didn’t mention the most important thing. Who’s the producer? Are you in a relationship with him? Would it stand for you or leave you?
Whether I would get a child, I would never depend on age or training. Got my first child with 19.
clamping; but if the man weren’t standing right now, would you run away or how do I understand? After all, the woman seems to have her own thoughts and wants to keep the job.
You can do training without any problems even after pregnancy. Either if the child goes to a kita or you have another care.
You can do anything, just a little later.
Can I still start training as long as it is still possible?
Yes, you can also and then stop after birth or continue part-time.
Take it off!
Yeah, don’t be afraid and keep your child!
Tell your mom. She can better handle the situation and tell your dad.