bin psysisch am ende?
hallo, ich habe heute 200€ verloren mit trading und habe nun insgesamt 530€ verloren, wollte woanders einsteigen hab mich aber nicht getraut und hätte dort aus 150€ 600€ gemacht, nun bin ich woanders eingestiegen und habe alles verloren. bin erst 16 und mental am ende grad
How about a search advice in a place for addicts? Even if you don’t have a direct addiction, you’re such a good way.
In addition, it’s not even legal gambling with 16
stop now
and is not a game of luck. so half only
You give money and luckily you get something back. So…
Well. Book it as a teaching money. Better learn from it now than if you’re responsible for yourself later. Then you have to starve or land on the street after such actions. That’s probably pocket or birthday money.
but still
Trading is a loss business, the risk is too high. And traders get too fast in search mechanisms… You’re not in the end, but you should pull the consequences and delete the account.
No, I’m just investing and not trading anymore
… what do you mean investing? That doesn’t sound serious either. And at your age, it’s just not legal – I’d strongly advise you to leave it.
investing is good in every age
At 16 you shouldn’t be allowed to do that anyway. Who gave you an account?
Anyway, that’s what happens. You will not have to land on the street or starve because you, so I suppose, live comfortably at home. I just placed a bigger sportsbook in my life and at the moment I had finished it, I saw this money as a lost money.
That’s why you just put as much as you can do well and stable. I live with that, I think, very good. You should try. But only with 18.
I am really at the end
Money comes and goes. I guess you’re not gonna sit on the streak.
Some lose about thousands of euros in an evening at the casino.
but can no longer be at the end
So it’s in trading that you lose money but how fat eggs did you have that you trade with 500€? And the real money could have used the money really differently or even your sl rule must have been trading since when?
4 months
You want Aso to get the money back? Or what are you doing now?
Yeah, do you tap or can you lend me something?
Then stop trading right now.