Bin in meinem Beruf absolut unglücklich, sodass mir übel wird?
ich möchte dies von der Seele schreiben und suche nach Ratschlägen von Leuten, denen es evtl. ähnlich erging. Ich bin 24 Jahre alt, habe meine Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann gemacht und arbeite jetzt seit genau 1 Jahr in einem Unternehmen im Einkauf. Wir sind besetzt aus 1 Vollzeitkraft (Ich), eine Teilzeitkraft (Teamleiterin) und 2 Auszubildenden. Das erste Problem ist, dass der erste Chef, der zugleich der Abteilungsleiter für unseren Einkauf ist, sehr schwierig ist. Fast jede klitzekleine Entscheidung müssen wir von ihm genehmigen lassen, nur das problem ist, dass er nie zu erreichen ist, weil er täglich ungelogen 800 Mails kriegt und es nach seiner Aussage nicht schafft, diese zu bearbeiten. auf der anderen Seite regt er sich dann auf und beschwert sich, wenn wir für eine Aufgabe 1 oder 2 Tage zu lange brauchen, wir ihm aber Mails senden und die Antwort teilweise erst nach 5 Wochen kommt. Er arbeitet 100 Stunden die Woche, hatte schon mehrfach Burnout und ich bin mittlerweile die 5. Position in meiner Stellenposition wie meine Teamleiterin mir sagte. Alle meine Vorgänger sind aufgrund des Chefs gegangen. Er trifft teilweise aussagen die unmöglich sind, dass ich angeblich Zettel von seinem schreibtisch klaue wenn er nicht da ist, dass ich ihm extra mit Mails zuspame um ihn zu ärgern usw. . Wenn ich ihn mal fragen sollte was ich verbessern kann, sagt er immer ,,ach komm, dass mache ich selber” Des Weiteren bekommen wir viel zu viele Aufgaben. Wir haben 200 Mails im Postfach die unerledigt sind, und wenn mal jemand krank ist oder urlaub hat in unserer abteilung, ist wirklich notstand. Niemand sieht, welche Arbeit dahintersteckt die wir machen. Ein weiterer Minuspunkt ist, dass ein Mitarbeiter mich ,,mobbt” bzw was gegen mich hat. Ich soll jetzt für ihn bis Ende nächster Woche eine Liste erstellen und wenn er sagt das ich das nicht mache, wird er uns fertig machen. Als ich angefangen habe zu arbeiten, hat er sich darüber lustig gemacht, dass ich halb russisch bin und macht darüber doofe Aussagen. Komischerweise macht er diese sachen nur, wenn meine Teamleiterin nicht da ist und er weiß, dass ich ein sehr ruhiger, zurückhaltender Mensch bin. Ein großes Problem ist noch, dass wir keine Personalabteilung besitzen und niemand ein offenes Ohr hat. Unsere Personalabteilung ist in einem anderen Standort, in einer anderen Stadt. Vor einem halben Jahr ist ein ,,zweiter Chef” in unser Unternehmen gekommen, der sich für Personalangelegenheiten kümmern soll, ist es ratsam ein gespräch bei ihm zu suchen ?
Meine Fragen die ich habe ?
1.Muss ich mit schlimmes befürchten, wenn ich zum ,,personalChef” gehen würde und die Karten offen lege ? Also das mir ernsthafte Konsequenzen drohen oder kann ich sowas machen ? also mit offenen Karten meine ich, Dinge zu erzählen, wie das mir unterstellt wird, dass ich klaue, sich über meine Herkunft usw lustig gemacht wird ?
2. Sollte ich / sollte man eher es vermeiden, zu erzählen, wie es einem psychisch geht ? Seit letzter Woche wird mir richtig übel wenn ich an den nächsten Arbeitstag denke. Mittwoch war es sogar so schlimm, dass ich mich fast übergeben musste.
3. Wirkt es ,,schwach” zu erzählen, dass man mit der Arbeit nicht hinterherkommt ? Kann ich sagen, dass ich mir mit diesen Umständen keine Zusammenarbeit mehr vorstellen kann ?
Ich hoffe, ihr konntet mir etwas folgen. Ich bin für jeden Kommentar, für jeden Menschen, der sich hierfür Zeit nimmt, äußerst dankbar !!
Your boss seems to have stayed in the 90s. The boss is still right and has to decide everything. But these times should actually be over.
And a team leader who only works part-time, I couldn’t take a full job as a team leader.
I’d go to the personnel department. The worst thing you have to fear is that they say they can’t use you in any other department right now and you’ll be put on the “Warteliste” first.
Our boss wants to be informed about everything, taken everywhere in cc. What should I say in the personal department? can I say all the above-described problems so? Of course, I will not say what employees have exactly what against me. I’ve only been sick for 3 days, and I’ve been paid just over minimum wages, even though I’ve actually learned. have not had any professional experience, but nevertheless I find it a little honest
You can tell your team leader – once she’s there – that with the mobbing colleague, provided your relationship is good. But the other one can be the staffer, so that you don’t see a way to work independently, to bring your own ideas with you and that you can’t do the job because you simply lack capacity.
Would you rather advise me to go to the staff and tell me about the problems? Or should I leave it because it will probably not lead to anything? And is it advisable in the conversation to say a possible dismissal, “to announce” so that one sees himself forced when it goes on to look around, e.g.
What he’s doing goes beyond bullying. He threatens you! So if you’re starting to do overtime, so Option 1, he won, he knows he’s going through it.
Option 3 could be interpreted as a refusal to work, therefore would not be so good. You could also say that the other tasks prevented you from doing so.
Option 2 I thought to be the best: You’ve always assumed you beside the other tasks of this thing, but you just haven’t managed to finish it, as with so little capacity. And I wouldn’t apologize.
Another question: for the employee who has something against me, should I finish a list by the end of next week and he says if it’s not done, then he’ll finish me. JEdoch is the list so much and I think he’s doing this extra because he sees my team leader is gone and I’m already overwhelmed to give me something up again. in the past, however, he has always made the list and, when we are underoccupied, he comes with it. What option is the best?: 1. Overtime to finish the list or 2. start the list, make it all right and say that you have had some hardships and ask yourself questions during the elaboration 3. do not start the list at all and see how it reacts or what comes
Sure, you can say that. You wouldn’t be the first person to be mentally ill.
Yes, the relationship is good between us. Bringing ideas is simply not possible because it will not be possible to optimize time because most of the time is spent on blunt work. We have the oldest SAP version, our boss doesn’t want to upgrade the software because it’s “euer”. can I also tell my personal that I’m not really good at the company anymore?
Your boss is a micromanager like he’s in the book. Look at the linked video.
You should look for another job because 1) is not a guarantee that what is done and you have to expect it to get worse.
Your reactions are all normal. I’m not sure about you, but your only option is a job change.
Attention, young leaders: Avoid micromanagement hall & successfully lead! ❇️#diebusinesscoach
Beautiful, under pressure is made of coal diamonds. Even if you can’t see this at the moment, this is one of the best situations for personality building. You’re lucky that happens at the beginning of your career. Others have to learn to deal with it in mid-40.
My tip hits the sack. What should happen?
Your boss is bad at his job. If he makes you stupid, tell him. Not directly, in the business world you can also fool in the friendly tone. Next time he crawls completely overwhelmed around, send him videos of online coaches on the topic delegating tasks. You’ll find thousands of coaches explaining that you’re supposed to delegate work properly. Look for one thing that fits and submits to him the suggestion that to improve his leadership skills one or the other should have. Or ask kack frech whether he recognizes himself in one of the 10 errors of guide position. You can write such emails by Chat GPT.
You could be fired… oh no… then you’d have to look for a job on a completely empty-failed job that’s more fun for you. This is a so-called “not risk”. Even if you don’t find a new job right now, how much do you earn about the citizen’s money? Is that really such a descent? Then you’re out of work. You don’t land on the street. You don’t have to lose.
The only thing that costs you is overcoming. And then you’re better. You’re not bad because the job is stupid. You’re bad because you’re wearing unresolved conflicts with you.
At the same time, you will find that you can allow yourself more than most people think. They have to fire you, find someone new, who has to be worked in a complete emergency situation by colleagues who are even more overwhelmed. In other words, the hands are bound. Are you in the union? If so, you can even complain against your AG without any problems and get a severance and make them even more work. I would mention that.
Don’t be afraid of courage.
Unfortunately we have no union, no collective agreements. Our company is quite small with about 45 people All In. 1. Would the termination in view of my previous course (Abi; Training; 4 months unemployed; 7 months internship abroad; 6 months unemployed; 1 year job so far) ruin my resume ? Is the previous duration of 1 year too short and negative? Because I am the opinion, you should stay at least 2 years in a job so that it doesn’t look that you can never last long, has little discipline, etc.
You can always join a union. Depending on the industry, there are different, I think you have the IG metal. You can just ask. In the event of a labour dispute, they put the lawyer.
Of course it wouldn’t be. I almost think they won’t fire you. You can’t afford it.
Your resume doesn’t look bad either. If your team leader likes you, you can always refer to them. Besides… Companies are looking for employees that give everyone a chance that didn’t steal the golden spoon.
If you cancel, you can explain the situation to the new employer. Of course you wanted to help your boss with constructive suggestions 😉
No, not really. Companies can no longer be allowed to do this. They also have the time to meet you.
I’d just be honest.
1. How can one answer skillfully when the boss asks why this and that has not been processed?
If you apply and questions arise as to whether your statements are so correct, you can refer to your team leader. If she likes you, she will strengthen your back when asking the new employer and confirm the difficult situation in the company. Of course you should ask her before.
No one. This is completely individual. Working life has accelerated considerably. If you left three places after half a year, of course, it doesn’t look good.
I don’t want you to quit. At least not as long as you don’t have another job. Of course you can continue to apply. When you quit, you’re locked up for unemployment.
I want you to try to improve your working conditions in which you learn to meet your boss and not let everything do with you. If this goes back, you’ll be quitting, I’ve been referring to it. I’m mainly concerned with your personality development. I want you to trust me. You will find a new job and then hopefully be more successful there with more life experience and self-confidence.
How do you mean, with the reference to my team leader? From what length can you say so, it is not too early when you quit? From 2 years? Of course there is no rule, but it can be that if I quit now and find something new in 2 months, I can only stay there for 1 year and then the “short stations” are piled up in the “short stations”. Unfortunately, you can never see what circumstances prevail in the company. That’s the only thing that actually thinks I’m collecting professional experience for my CV. I also deserve only a little bit of minimum wage, which I find very little.
I understand you, but I don’t understand why you’re feeling so little self-esteem, and that’s what you’re doing.
what do you mean?
If the boss would talk to me like that, I’d be the first one to be gone.