Bin ich zu weit gegangen?
Ich möchte mir etwas von der Seele reden, was mich seit nun einer Woche innerlich auffrisst und worüber ich mich mit niemandem sprechen traue.
Ich hatte vor zehn Tagen noch einen Partner,mit dem ich gern alt werden wollte. Vor wenigen Monaten ist mir immer öfter aggressives Verhalten an ihm aufgefallen. Z.b waren wir wandern und er hatte beinahe einen Fahrradfahrer vom Fahrrad geschubst, weil er fand, das auf dem Pfad,den wir gegangen sind, Fahrradfahrer nichts zu suchen haben. Ich habe ihm danach zur Rede gestellt und wir hatten sogar einige Tage keinen Kontakt, bis er wieder auf mich zugegangen ist und mir gestanden hat, dass er sich in manchen Situationen seit einiger Zeit selbst vor sich erschrickt, sein Verhalten womöglich etwas mit einem unverarbeiteten Trauma zu tun hat, und er bereit ist sich therapeutische Hilfe zu suchen.
Nachdem er tatsächlich einen Therapeuten ausgesucht hat und sich auf die Warteliste für eine Therapie hat eintragen lassen haben wir uns wieder mehr und mehr genähert.
Letzte Woche war er mit seiner 6 Jährigen Tochter bei mir Zuhause. Er hat für uns gekocht. Ich hatte Dienst. Meine 21 jährige Tochter war ebenfalls Zuhause. Nachdem er Abends nach Hause gefahren ist, kam meine 21 jährige Tochter auf mich zu und bat mich um ein Gespräch.
Sie erzählte mir dass es in meiner Abwesenheit eine Eskalation gegeben haben soll. Seine Tochter hatte nicht ihren Willen bekommen und einen Wutanfall gekriegt woraufhin mein damaliger Partner das Kind sehr grob angefasst haben soll . Sie schrie wie am Spieß und rief: aus, du tust mir weh !
Meine Tochter,die sehr reif für ihr Alter ist und klar in ihrer Wahrnehmung war erschrocken über die enorme Aggressivität meines Partners.
Ich habe die ganze Nacht kein Auge zugemacht. Habe mir schwer getan meinen Partner darauf anzusprechen. Ich muß vielleicht erwähnen, ich komme aus einer sehr gewaltvollen Kindheit und derartige Aggressionen triggern mich.
Nach zwei Tagen entschied ich mich nicht so zu tun, alsob nichts passiert ist und ihn auf die Situation anzusprechen. Ich habe ihm gesagt,dass ich seine Aggressionen nicht in Ordnung finde und dass er mir Angst macht. Ich habe ihm gesagt, dass er genau weiß, wie meine Kindheit war und was für Emotionen er damit bei mir auslöst und dass es mir derzeit schwerfällt mich 100% auf ihn einzulassen, weil ich mich frage wo seine Grenzen sind und mir nicht sicher bin, ob er nicht eines Tages seine Hand gegen mich hebt.
Wie ich befürchtet habe, ist die Situation eskaliert. Verdeckt eskaliert, denn er hat das ganze per WhatsApp “geklärt”
Er warf mir vor ich würde ihm Kindesmissbrauch unterstellen. Und das ich nicht besser als die Mutter seiner Kinder sei, die ihn bereits Vorabgericht gezerrt hätte und ihm das Sorgerecht wegnehmen will. Er hat immer wieder betont, dass er seinen Kindern nichts tut und dass er sich mit gegenüber nicht rechtfertigen muss, dafür,dass er seine Tochter beruhigen wollte. Zuletzt kam der Satz: halte dich fern von mir, es ist mir egal was du über mich denkst.
Ich habe gehofft,er beruhigt sich nach ein zwei Tagen und wir können das ganze noch einmal persönlich klären aber in der Nacht von 23 zum 24 Dezember hat er eine n Foto von einem neuen Date auf WhatsApp gepostet, wohl wissend,dass ich das sehen würde.
Meine Feiertage waren furchbar. Ich leide enorm und schwanke zwischen Wut, Enttäuschung, Herzschmerz und Selbstvorwürfen.
Mehrere Versuche das ganze nochmal zu klären sind gescheitert, er reagiert nicht auf meine E-Mails. Alsob es ihn nie in meinem Leben gegeben hat.
Ich mache mir Vorwürfe und zweifle immer mehr daran ob es richtig war den Vorfall anzusprechen. Ich versuche nachzufühlen, wie es mir als Mutter gehen würde,wenn mir jemand sagen würde,dass ich zu grob mit meinen Kindern umgehe. Ich kann es nicht. Dadurch,dass ich soviel Gewalt erlebt habe, sind meinen Kindern derartige Ausfälle erspart geblieben.
Wie gehe ich mit dieser Situation nur weiter um ?
You did everything right and protected yourself and your family from a violent man.
It’s strange that like two women, so his ex accuse him of violence. No one’s going to a lawyer with this.
He wants to hurt you with the new conquest, this woman is only means for purpose.
A weapon against you to let you bleed for not giving up and bending.
You see what conflict resolution looks like for him: escalation, provocation, jealousy games, humiliations.
Get out of here, stop the contact.
It will continue to explore your trigger points by excellence.
Thanks for the star 🌟
Thank you for these clear words. And yet it is so difficult to understand the heart that it is not to despair. At midnight, I cried like a little kid on the window alone. A year ago, we celebrated together. I was so in love and confident he was the right one. Now everything is so disappointing and sad.
I can fully understand. One has loved the feeling for nothing and wasted time to stand there with empty hands.
But look what it shows for a character when you deal with other people and then make them jealous in pain.
You see yourself as a loser, but actually you won.
You have gained clarity and the way is now free for a man who appreciates you and is worth it for. He also respects your family.
“Self accusations”?
You have perceived various warning signals over time.
And last time, even your adult daughter became aware and turned to you (she hadn’t done if she had estimated it as “not worth mentioning”).
Self-promotions are really wrong. You have your limits, because of your personal history. And it is absolutely right and important to protect you/ your daughter/your presence and future.
You wrote something about trauma and therapy in the first part of your text. Isn’t that something for you? Because these “self-proclaims”, how do they come from? A reconciled/othered thought pattern at that time might be. If so, then this also affects your thinking after you have perceived/ interpreted/ addressed warning signals… and the other person (he) with a big bang came back.
It was right and courageous for your past to address the situation!
You’re turning around when you’re trying to discuss how the conversation could have been going differently or if you shouldn’t have addressed it.
I don’t think it’s so important that the conversation is escalated. Because that happens often in a fight.
A lot more important is the behaviour after a fight. Getting right into a new date and posting the whole thing on WhatsApp is just totally ashamed. In any way!
I don’t know if this is a suitable basis for a relationship, even if your partner goes into therapy because of his aggressions. He certainly has a lot more to work on.
You should therefore listen deeply to yourself if this relationship really does good to you, if it still exists.
I wouldn’t report to you anymore, and I’d be out of line.
You make three crosses that this man is no longer part of your life! Because yes, he obviously has a problem with his impulse control and self-reflection!
If you want to do something good for his daughter, get in touch with the child’s mother, describe the incident and offer, in doubt, also to the youth office and the family court to tell your experience of this person to the child and in general, if the mother wants to enforce, for example, that he sees his child only in the accompanying handling of security until he has his whole problems under control.
Otherwise, so for you, your psyche and your further happiness of life, I would recommend that you consider whether maybe a round of therapy for processing your childhood trauma would be a good idea. Violence in childhood leaves extreme traces. In particular, a most accustomed self-esteem – and therefore, unfortunately, a very high probability of getting into relationships again and again, where violence plays a role, quite shortened and simplified said… Perhaps it would be a very positive “liberation” for you if you were working on the processing of these psychic wounds from your childhood with professional help to feel yourself better – and then perhaps in the future to land in a really loving, non-toxic, non-violent relationship :)? I wish you all the best!
Severe from him, it was. It’s better. Don’t talk to him anymore. He’s not capable of being involved, and it’s right that you’ve addressed how he’s been dealing with his daughter. You are preloaded and it is your right to be perceived at eye level.
He doesn’t handle his aggression, and you don’t know if it gets better. Better an end with terror as a terror without an end.
What he’s doing, in which he’s accusing you of “child abuse” is devastating. He thus moves himself into the sacrificial role and blames you.
disappointment, rage – that’s good. But self-proclaims, please don’t. Heartache is clear, but he’ll go!
Especially since, according to the questioner, in some situations, he also scrambles himself, his aggression potential and his occasional loss of control therefore also perceives himself, therefore also the self-established therapy requirement.
Stop it! Your “friend” obviously has a violent character. With all excuses and improvements, he will not change (or only after a multi-year therapy). Dissolve kindly from him without insulting him, so that you will not also be the victim of his aggression.
Isn’t that his ex, your daughter, and also you’ll perceive his aggression?
You should rather support your daughter and his ex before his daughter lands in the hospital – that’s what you can blame yourself for.
Of course it makes me stubborn. I had once addressed the mother of the children in the future. If we ever pull together, the mother would also want to know who her children are staying at the weekend. His answer was: you will never get to know them. His reasoning: he himself hadn’t seen her for years, she blocked him on all channels, an exchange regarding the children is impossible. She just wanted to take the kids away to avenge him because he left them. My personal interest would be her side of the medal… You hear again and again that censored women from vengeance act like this, but I would like to have formed my own opinion. This remained intimidated. So I can’t tell the child’s mother…
I thank you very much for all the answers. A little bit, at least for the moment, a stone falls from my heart, that I have remained faithful to me and that the eyes have not closed before reality.
That he looked at another woman in the wind, hurts me infinitely, I hope I didn’t get into a narcissist…
If you are afraid of stalking, then it may be criminally relevant acts that you can display, but according to your description, your ex has decided to break down or refuse contact, if it seems to hope to hurt and humiliate you through targeted provocations.
I hope, however, for you that you can soon process your painful experiences with this man and complete this sad chapter in your life! You have a lot of strength and hopefully a new year.
You should count on it urgently…
I think it was perfectly right that you addressed it. And given your own past, I would consider this partnership to be terminated in your place. You are both at an age when a personality is solidified and can only be changed with your own will and therapeutic support. Whether this willingness is present with your partner is questionable.
I know it’s very painful to have imagined his future with someone and this future is no longer given. But for your soul good, it would be really better to look for you a person who has no such aggression problems.
“I make accusations and I always doubt whether it was right to address the incident.”
Yeah, it was. On the one hand, violence in the family is a matter for you personally, on the other hand the daughter has to be protected. There were also incidents with the cyclist, among others.
I’d breathe through a few days and let you rest.
And think about what his reaction means. He said that he himself was scared of himself and tried for therapy. He’s probably facing his daughter’s consciences and feels embarrassed in front of your daughter. I wouldn’t overestimate the fact that he’s reacting a little out of it.
But what is this cheap number with another woman? Does he really need to push his ego by strangling you like that?
Maybe it’s just time to realize that you’ve got the wrong man.
Eben, a man with whom the questioner may be. Risk is running to reinscribing their own violent past.
What he does sounds highly dangerous and manipulative. I would really advise you to stay away from this man, because who loses so much control in normal everyday situations, it won’t take long until he becomes handsome to you or your loved one. You don’t have to blame yourself, because your only responsibility is to take care of you and your own safety. As I have experienced domestic violence as a child, I can tell you, who once did this, will not change in 99% of the cases. And you’re not a therapist, it’s not your responsibility to do the psychological work for other people and take care of them using your own health. Please take care of yourself and make a wise decision. Of course, this is painful because it is probably a close person for you, but that must never be worth your own well-being. I wish you a lot of strength! Love
Finally he is neh red flag and it is not worth the police that with violence at the child still say him out of your life
Let him sit down. He accused you of being the same as the other women who had a break. It is therefore a known and older behavioral pattern.
Your daughter’s 21. If they come up with a grandson, you want to keep guarding it and be on the hat? Do you want to turn around and see where the next knife comes from?
I wouldn’t have a bump.
Therefore, his excessive reaction: his wonderful point was met.