Bin ich zu überfürsorglich?
Ich m13 hab nen kleinen Bruder (8) und wir haben uns noch NIE gestritten. Ich würde für ihn alles tun, nehme ihn vor unseren Eltern immer in Schutz und beschütze ihn. Außerdem mache ich mit ihm Hausis, lerne mit ihm für Diktate usw. Meint ihr dass ist unter Jungs bzw unter Brüdern eher ungewöhnlich dass man sich so um das kleine Geschwisterkind kümmert oder ist das eher gut? Wie findet ihr das? Hättet ihr gerne so nen Bruder wie mich???
Sounds funny to me. I hated my brother as a child, really hated to blood. I would have preferred to do something to him (which I couldn’t do because I was inferior to him), and he constantly played out his superiority and constantly did something to me.
And as I hear from colleagues, the relationship between Brüdenr is often rather very conflicting.
In this respect it sounds very nice that it is so harmonious with you. On the other hand, it is very funny and rude that one would have fought “never”. Even if you understand well, there must be any conflict, at least when you act at eye level. That contested with “never” I would connect that one leads (you) and the other subordinates and does what is said to him. This leads to the fact that there are no conflicts, but is absolutely not ideal. You should pay attention to that. But otherwise, it’s good.
Except for a few little things, we never fight. Of course sometimes I’m annoyed by him and he comes from me quite rarely
Peile your own mental origin!
What do you think it might be important to help others and support them? What are the benefits of this and what benefits does society have in all if everyone thinks so?
You can take care of yourself, normal, but I think it’s bad that you never fight, I’m fighting with a sister every day, after a few minutes it’s always good but still good
So up to a few small differences of opinion we really get very clear
The group dynamics among women and men are significantly different and cannot be compared with each other while among men a natural hierarchical structure is formed, women strive to equality. This equality, ironically, leads to more injustice and dispute. It doesn’t mean “sinter-fotzig” for free and not “sinter-sween”
That’s very nice that you’re so kind to your brother but let him do a few things himself so that he becomes self-employed 😉
I have always taken care of my younger siblings, beautiful when you have so big siblings 🥳
I find this wonderful and wish I had such an intimate relationship with my brother. Unfortunately, that was the opposite.
So this isn’t the case with us, but I find it nice to hear it and also good.
As I said, nice and good 🙂
That’s great you understand so well. Otherwise, it would be worse and more strenuous.🤣ðŸ ̃‰ðŸ ̃‰
I think it’s wonderful how you do it. But let him also have enough freedom, he also needs it.
I do
Maybe I don’t have a little brother but a sister we are also together I help her with schoolwork
You’re a very great brother, you can’t want a better one.