Am I too quiet?

Ever since first grade, my teacher at the time often called me “too quiet” and told my parents I probably had ADHD.

In 3rd or 4th grade, this teacher said they should examine my brain waves.

In 5th or 6th grade, the teacher wanted me to repeat the year because I was too short and had a growth disorder (she was shorter than my mother, who is also very short).

I'm now in 8th grade and I'm generally a bit quieter in class because nobody wants to have anything to do with me. I go to my friends in the parallel class during every break. My class teacher has noticed this but only notices it when I'm NOT talking (she's very nice, by the way). I have to talk to the social worker now.

But is it really so bad not to talk so much? Should I be worried? Do I have ADHD or something?
Checks not.

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Thomas Richter
1 month ago

For me, all these are only guesses or lay diagnosis. Here, too, you’ll get points of reference, but don’t know what’s really happening. It’s important for the first time that you tell me if you’re okay with it, just like you are. Do you feel too restless, driven, can’t concentrate (even outside school) or do you suffer more from fear or difficulty in addressing other people? If you feel as comfortable as it is and therefore have no problems in your life, you don’t need to keep looking at it. The entire feedback from the outside can be indications, but no more. Maybe you had in the 3rd-4. It’s a lot of trouble with you or your life, and you’ve moved back. A growth disorder can, of course, lead to more withdrawal from the environment, but this is not a symptom of a mental illness.

If you think it’s right, you can make an appointment with a child and youth psychiatrist and let you test what’s going on.

1 month ago

You’re just introverted. That’s nothing bad – the problem is not with you, but inflatable extroverts.

She can’t tell you anything, no social worker talk, she’s not a psychologist.

Woke you and don’t forgive yourself for other people. You don’t have to talk to people you don’t want. Unfortunately, the school system is primarily designed for extroverted, which only shows how backward it is.

1 month ago
Reply to  Tomatenveteran

Always the teachers who think they know everything better 🌝 and draw their forecasts. But mobbing strangely overlooked 🤡

1 month ago
Reply to  Ciinderiia

That’s it.

1 month ago

If you don’t get clear with his class, how do you talk about it? With yourself?-> So I find that understandable -> You probably talk to your friends… y

1 month ago

Talking to the social worker is nothing bad and I would accept the offer in your place. Of course, it is not unusual if you are a bit more conservative or introverted than other students. Well, if you’re doing it well, that’s okay.

1 month ago

I hope your parents did something to the teacher. It’s absolutely inappropriate how they’ve beenhaved.

Just tell the social worker that all your friends are in parallel – maybe you can change

1 month ago

“A real monk keeps his midday sleep, even if the world goes down” (Natsume Soseki)