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2 years ago

Many think they can eat what they want and can’t increase, but that’s the least. Just eat a few rolls with thick butter of strong chocolate jam, add 2-3 cups of cocoa, then next to the day a good bag of chips and then spread over the next day 10-12 chocolate bars, drink over the day 3-4 liters of sugary lemonade, for lunch a nice fat pizza or lasagna and then during the day nice corn flakes with whole milk. After the dessert there is still a delicious pot of ice, so about 1 liter with a lot of cream on it, then for the evening another table of chocolate or butter cookies and for the evening bread so 500 grams of noodles with beautiful meaty and fat Bolgnesse sauce and always similar over a month. This helps everyone to increase their weight beautifully in a few weeks. Otherwise, you have a real problem with your face and should visit the doctor.

2 years ago

Well, many narrow people believe they eat a lot but you should track your being and never let it fall into professional hands. But this is already very extreme 50 kg

2 years ago

Don’t let a doctor in a clinic right away, but ask a doctor, it’s probably appropriate.