Bin ich zu fett und was soll ich tun?
Ich bin weiblich 14 1.63 und wiege 68kg meine Familie sagt dass ich zu fett sei was soll ich machen ich bin mit meinem Körper zufrieden, ich habe auch beschlossen mich Bauchfrei anzuziehen weil ich davor oversized getragen habe als ich bauchfrei traute heute meinte meine Mutter dass sie kotzen müsste und das ich mir nie wieder Klamotten kaufen soll mein Style ist y2k was soll,ich tun?
1. All 2h potassium sodium and glucose eating
As bsp datteln sellerie & banane
Otherwise no energy/hormone sleep
(Also never mix fat and sugar otherwise insulin resistance)
[No glace al dessert after meat]
Two. Buntnessel
Here the infos
The patented Forskolin extract was awarded as an innovation product in the USA in 2001. The note of the buntnessel: the body fat decreases, while the muscle mass remains. Thus, it is possible to improve the Body Mass In-dex and deliberately remove stubborn fat deposits on waist and abdomen without having to accept health-prone side effects. So the body loses fat and nothing else. Diets that allow large weight loss, on the other hand, always go at the expense of water retention and muscles of the body. They are usually neither healthy nor persistent. Because muscle mass is needed to burn calories. The succession of customers is therefore not measurable with the scale alone, but can be documented much better with the aid of the fat measurement. Young people fat burningThe buntnessel can again allow a youthful fat burning at an increasing age. It reduces the build-up of fat deposits and increases basic turnover and release of fat deposits. In addition, it stimulates the production of the thyroid hormone T4 as well as the growth hormone and also increases the sensitivity of the receptors for the body’s own hormones involved in the abnormal. This is done by activating the enzyme adenylate cyclase and by increasing the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP).
These body-specific substances, also known as cAMP, have several important effects. For example, they are also responsible for the phenomenal blood-pressure-lowering effects of the buntnessel – the second main effect of the buntnessel. cAMP ensures a wide position of the vessels, which allows the blood to flow better and has to apply less pressure. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects of the buntnessel, this wideness benefits the body, for example, in bronchitis: it is easier to cough off the slime when the bronchis widen. Therefore it is also possible to use the buntnessel for asthma, for potency problems and headaches due to vascular constriction
(But also movement..)
too much potassium can be poisoned.
But 6g calcium on the day are essential
These are about 100 banane bro
So rather consider thinking etc instead of eif laber – dorr is more important sas it in relation to calcium and magnesoum be mus 2/1 + vi d3 and k2
I saw on TV, at 6 bananas. that is too much a girl has got facial paralysis
The only thing that is wrong and should change is your mother and all the other people who do not accept you as you are. Your mother seems to me mega toxic and she should be ashamed to talk to her daughter
A mother who talks to her daughter like that doesn’t have all the chickens on the balcony.
Hey. Too fat maybe not because you don’t know how your weight is distributed but you definitely weigh too much. If necessary, eat something healthier and/or sport would not be bad. If you don’t do anything about these things. On the hand of the picture you can say that you are not thick or you are good at it. The pants look a little squeezed
About 95% of girls in your age have less weight, which means you are one of the hardest 5%. In other words, and somewhat drastically formulated, you are much too fat. Belly free I would be in your place because sexy it is not to present his ramp so publicly without need. My tip: Let the sweet stuff go, also the fat chips, the sugary soft drinks, nutella, chocolates and bars. Eat neat for breakfast with fruit and cereal, eat something typical lunch and little in the evening and nothing in between. Make sport that calls you. Then it works with the figure. Good improvement!
You don’t have all the shadows on the fence
I would write insults with a big “Z” on the fence. do you have reasons and factual arguments?
She’s not too fat. 2-3 kg less and it has normal weight again!
Here is a test for you, because the weight alone is not always meaningful.
If you’re happy as you are, you don’t have to listen to others. If you want to lose weight, you can if not. Don’t let others tell you who to be.
Don’t live too unhealthy.
If you’re satisfied with you, that’s a lot of value and then you shouldn’t change anything
Let go of sugar and make sports.
Take a lot of sport.