bin ich zu dünn oder ist das okay?
bin m/17
Ich bin 15 Jahre, 1,84 groß und wiege 94 kilo
Schnelles zunehmen!!
Hallo ,ich komme mit Aufgabe 16 nicht so ganz klar und wollte fragen ,ob ihr mir helfen könnt! Wir hatten schon besprochen ,wie man M, V und O ausrechnet ,aber ich verstehe nicht wie man h, a und s ausrechnen kann.
Leute es gibt ein maximales Problem bin ein Mädchen und wollte meinen Intimbereich mit Warmwachs Waxen und es geht nicht mehr ab ich bitte schnell um Hilfe
It’s hard on the border, so you can let yourself go. But you bring beautiful bone construction and also chest muscles. The attitude is also very good. Bisl krafttraing and what to eat will certainly work enormously with you to quickly look at the athletic.
Slenderly be nice and good but I think you’re a little too thin.
Talk to your parents and/or a doctor if you can get something to increase.
Moin , you’re very thin and could handle a few kilos, but Magersucht also has to do with the psyche and then necessarily seek doctor . In other respect, every person is different and if you get along well with your body, everything is fine.
So I’d say normal.
Okay, you’re pretty thin but if you feel so comfortable and you’re okay and eating normally and being healthy. Then everything is okay, no matter what others think and mean.
You have to feel comfortable as you are the most important.
Greetings Vanni 🙂
in any case compared to me, this is not too thin, very slim I would say.
Skin addiction is a disease no weight or body shape
Would you like to contact a doctor
No, it’s not normal.
Come on to the person. If you eat normally and you still stay so thin you have a fast metabolism.
Building mass would not hurt.
Neither your body fat content, nor your muscle mass seem to be very high.
You’re thinner than the average.
Why did you put Magersucht in the vote?!
Do you feel too fat, are you afraid of food, fear of weight gain, etc?
no I really like to eat, but can be that it looks from the outside as if I had a eating disorder. I like being so thin and feeling so good and healthy, just wanted to hear how others see it.
Skin addiction is not flat from the outside. That’s super dangerous what you’re doing here!
8 people voted with magnificence! These are 8 people who think magic is just very thin! That’s wrong!
In this picture, the term “Spargeltarzan” was spontaneously used.
You’re very thin.
too thin. Why do you ask…?
You see that…
F*ck! You’re just skin and bones!
Why do you vote with ‘Magersucht’?
Isn’t that obvious?
wf? you can easily see his keybone. where is he skin and bone?? lol
I almost think I have the wrong glasses on…
He’s thin, but “Haut and bone” is really exaggerated. What would you then tell me where you can really see the ribs?
Funny as people always think that thinning is automatically magic
No. But apparently you know more. Why don’t you tell me how the relationship between FS and Essen is?
Does FS fear weight gain, finds itself too thick, avoids certain foods, drives excessive sports, ….?