Bin ich zu dünn mit 66kg?
Ich wiege 66kg auf 1.86
Ich wiege 66kg auf 1.86
Hey Leute ich habe heute meinem Mann dieses tigerbalm am ganzen Rücken aufgetragen weil er Rückenschmerzen hat. Als ich ihm das aufgetragen habe hat es angefangen zu brennen wir haben es dann sofort abgewaschen. Ist es schädlich so für mein Mann sollten wir zum Arzt gehen oder wird es nachlassen. Und ich bin schwanger(ssw6+4) und…
Ich weiss nicht ob da Gluten enthalten sind in dem diamantenmehl was ich evtl. Nicht vertragen kann, was anderes käme da glaub auch nicht infrage, bin mir aber ziemlich sicher es lag an den Brötchen bzw. Diamantenmehl, ich hab eine Kanon blähung nach der anderen und das fing schon in der nacht an weswegen ich…
Hallo Guten Abend Ich Möchte Euch Fragen, Wie Lange Hält Eine Magen Darm Ungefähr An?
Ich hab 500g Magerquark und diese Früchte gegessen
Hey my love, unfortunately you’re really a little too lean, but here’s not the optics but much more your health in the foreground!
I do not know the backgrounds that have led to this, but I would suggest to create a thoughtful and professional meal plan (e.g. with your pediatrician)
Please do something, because there are some people who don’t want to lose you!
And to these people who are completely randomly adding their unnecessary opinion and just writing something offensive are really very immature! You never know what happened internally and that’s why you should always consider what you say or just write here!
LG :
but better than my ex (182cm 55kg)
I am 182 tall and even slightly lighter…
Lighter than 55 kg oha to slim haha
Even less, you are too slim 🙂
If I had 55 🙂
definitely too thin
You are already very thin 10 kg more would be better.
What should be thin. Just because more than half is overweight?
I don’t understand. There’s a “too thick”, but no “too thin”?
of course there are both and also normal – but you should also know the age. You can then calculate it with the BMI or “Waist-to-Hip Ratio” or “Waist-to-Height Ratio”, for example.
Correct it’s a man in the rock! Skirts are not necessarily “women’s clothing”.
he said it in another posting himself – think it’s okay and doesn’t affect me.
Any kind of sexuality is okay for me.
Can’t know 100%, but then I’ll correct on “The Person” 😁
It’s a man in women’s clothing, by the way.
Och would tap 28 . But you should answer yourself.
The BMI says 19.08 and this is relatively slim. Because the person still looks very young, it’s normal.
76 Kg would be great for you.
If you don’t see it yourself, you already have a perception disorder. And you wouldn’t have asked, but you scream for help.
Yeah could be a little more. The legs look very thin
Passed by
But why do you wear a rock
It’s terrible, not just the underweight.
Do not place such pictures here.
Looks like that.
Yeah, that’s already underweight. Don’t blame me, but the picture is quite horrible