Bin ich zu dünn für mein Alter?
Ich hätte eigentlich nie gedacht, dass ich diese Frage jemals stellen würde, aber mir wurde in den vergangenen Monaten irgendwie immer öfter gesagt,dass ich zu dünn wäre. Ich dachte eigentlich immer,dass mein Gewicht für mein Alter normal ist,aber langsam zweifle ich daran,weil mir so viele Leute sagen,dass ich zu dünn wäre. Ich selbst denke es nicht wirklich, aber ich habe langsam wirklich Zweifel,ob ich es einfach nur nicht richtig einschätze/richtig informiert bin.
Ich bin ein Mädchen,14 Jahre alt. Meine Größe ist 1,65(ich bin unsicher, ob man das so sagt, aber ich denke,ihr wisst,was ich meine) und wiege 58,5 kg.
It is more the opposite of the case. You are closer to the top limit of the normal weight. 46 kg and less would be too thin for health. You’re far from that.
I don’t know who can say that. So don’t take extra and don’t let you insure. It would also be average normal weight for an adult. Probably the people who say that themselves are overweight, otherwise I cannot explain. Overweights see normal weight more often than too thin and vice versa, underweights often find the normal weight too thick.
So stay as you are and enjoy life and don’t listen to such nonsense.
The BMI of 21.7 means “normal weight”
47 – 63 kg
Ideal weight
If the weight is between 47 and 63 kg, everything is OK.
I am 14 and 1.63 and weigh 45kg. I think I’m too thin. Have my first 3 days at which I made 4000kcal every day and try to get to 60kg
Given the fact that I am only 2 cm smaller and still weigh 10kg little and still not look very thin (meaning of friends and family?) I’d say you’re not too thin
The BMI of 16.9 means “normal weight”
45 – 60 kg
Ideal weight
If the weight is between 45 and 60 kg, everything is OK.
So I wouldn’t take it extra if it was right. Eat normally and don’t stress. The weight comes with age. Mostly faster than you want.
All right. So do that for Gym
You’re totally under normal weight and for your age even above average.
Definitely not too thin, do not listen to people who tell such nonsense.
Hello, if you’re too thin, I can’t judge, but size and weight fit together, say to the people, they should take care of their own crap
No, that’s okay.
Maybe it’s body construction. Are you doing a lot of sports?
Well, not really. Apart from the sporting lessons in school, almost not at all.
Then you look very slim. 🙂But weight to size ratio is completely fine. Don’t talk to you.
Your weight is average normal weight. Absolutely not too thin.
Your weight is completely fine and normal for your age and size.
Evtl is thinning your body.
No, that’s normal weight.
No, your weight is in the normal range.