Bin ich zu dick?
Hey ich bin 19 Jahre und 167 cm groß und habe jetzt seit knapp 1 Jahr immer mehr zugenommen. Sieht man es deutlich auf dem Bild. Ich bin das rechte Mädchen und meine Freundin ist links von mir so als Vergleich
Hey ich bin 19 Jahre und 167 cm groß und habe jetzt seit knapp 1 Jahr immer mehr zugenommen. Sieht man es deutlich auf dem Bild. Ich bin das rechte Mädchen und meine Freundin ist links von mir so als Vergleich
wie gesund war es in Schulnoten Glasnudeln mit japanischer Teriyaki Sauce multivitaminsaft
Hab seit ungefähr 3 Tagen keinen Appetit, und weiß nicht warum. Habt ihr eine idee woran das liegen könnte?
Bin M15, 176 cm und wiege 92 kg. Mein Bauch hängt noch nicht aber sieht aus als wäre es nicht mehr so weit bis er anfängt. Wie viel kg brauche ich, damit er 3 cm hängt?
Oder normal ?
Huhu, ich habe eine Plötzliche Zunahme aus unerklärlichen Gründen. Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und mein Gewicht war sonst immer bei 55kg. Nur seid einer Woche wiege ich über 60kg obwohl ich ganz normal esse & bewege wie sonst auch immer. Äußerlich sieht man es nicht so ganz aber dennoch ist es echt schockierend das…
Your wife shouldn’t be the measure for you, but obviously you feel the same as in the picture. You could take a bit, but if you feel comfortable, it’s okay. Your girlfriend has a much more petty body construction, you won’t reach this figure by your genetic predisposition, but you don’t have to.
I appreciate your body size on something over 70Kg
There are 20 kg.
It’s good.
This may not be too much for them, but if you want to live with the proven, health risks and problems, you can do that, yes.
But you’ve been a good deceit – a total of 36 kg.
Can happen.
Always in favor of the delinquent.
yes… it’s never easy – 106 kg I wouldn’t have thought, rather like 100 kg.
It’s similar to old age, so I’ve been mistaken.
Nee quite inconvenient from the side
So thema weight I find crass. read 106kg. I’d have Gdtippt 90. However, I find your figure much more appealing. And it’s all right with you. Your breasts have enough to get:)
I’m sorry, but the clothes are just pushing it halfway into “shape”.
Are you too fat? Too thick for what? Find a partner, no. But it helps to be idr. schlanler, yes. But character is what holds.
But more importantly, you now live unhealthy with the weight and deprive yourself of quality of life.
So you’re too fat. You have to look at how important this is to you.
It is important to make clear, people are different and tastes as well: thin athletic, curvy, thick …. consider which weight fits you and where you would feel comfortable without comparing yourself with others. But you took 20 kilos, and since you ask here, I guess you’d like to take the 20 kilos away and if that’s the case, I think you know what to do.
If you have increased so much in the short time, this may be due to a malfunction of the guilt gland. From the doctor.
If he finds nothing, then less calories and more exercise.
And let the smoking be, or do not take any more photos where the tip is to be seen. Women with high-noise taste are a real offturner.
You definitely have overweight. I’ll tap 80 kg.
ne 80 kilos would be very nice
I find your figure full of beautiful and aesthetic:)
Do as you feel if you want to be thinner then take off, but I don’t think it’s necessary
Joar, you see that you have something more on your hips, but that doesn’t make you unattractive.
Remember, every person is special in his way.
It’s just unattractive people…
No! Not at all!
Only weak people say that.
You look great from ðŸ ̃‚
This cannot be generalized, since this can only reflect a subjective view.
I’m guessing about 80kg. In size, 60kg would be ideal or normal.
So clearly you have overweight, but what makes it take you 25 kg off now and then to get 30kg back.
I guess 92-95 kg.
So if you stay movable and change your behavior somewhat, for example less carbohydrates, go more on foot and step up stairs instead of elevator, then this also works to reduce weight reasonably. I’d have the thyroid gland examined. A subfunction, for example, would already be useful to get into the grip.
Bay tip “Four blood groups, four strategies for a healthy life” by Dr. Peter D’Adamo and Catherine Whitney.
Good luck!
So permanently healthier would be a few kilos less. But I don’t think it’s bad, and personally I don’t like your figure.
At least 20 kg you need to decrease better 30 kg or more.
There’s no need to talk about it.
Uh, yes. For a healthy life you have to lose weight. You can also say that so clearly!
Then it would be good if you mentioned that. For an assertion without a reason can first be challenged and doubted.
Whether the FS “unsund” lives or not, only a doctor can notice. If this does not have any concerns, which is rather unlikely, the FS can continue to live with its weight. Unless she has self-doubt and wants to change that.
In my opinion, you don’t have to lose weight because you’re so pretty. I don’t see a problem at a few kilos too much. I’d say 85kg?
Yes, but make sure what answer you’ve been awarded as the most helpful, it doesn’t matter to you anyway and you just want to feel comfortable in your current state. You can do it, but after a few years you will feel the health effects. And your life will probably be shorter.
It’s about 100 kg. That is clearly too much you know yourself and the question whether you are too thick is necessary.
Hello, Jette!
I’m not about the optics that everyone can judge how he wants.
But as much as you care, of course it should change
I wish you good luck and success
I’d think you’ll remember how much it goes on bones and ligaments
You’re pretty curvy. I really like it. Would’ve appreciated you for 85 to 90kg.
Yeah, you see that very clearly, is a fact.
You can compare your body with the left person, this has a normal body. Take sports and watch your diet.
I appreciate you (size I guess at 1.65m) 110 kg
You look great! Find it fits you very well. If you feel so comfortable, stay calm!
Just take n measuring tape and measure your abdominal circumference.
Then you compare this value with your girlfriend and make a diet.
I would appreciate weighting to >75 and clearly adipous and therefore harmful to health.
And let the smoke be! That’s neither cool nor makes it slender. Nicotine is a nerve poison with a weak dependence effect!
Yeah, you weigh too much. I guess about 90kg.
Yeah, you’re pretty lush. But not too thick.
You’re a little too much. I appreciate you on 75-85 Kg
Are both too thick
Yeah, you weigh too much and you know that. And you should do something about your health for love. But I don’t know how much you weigh, I’d appreciate a flat rate of 90kg, but I’m bad at that.
Yeah, you’re too thick. Locker times 15-20 kg too much
Yes, you are clearly overweight
You’re definitely too thick!
to what extent?
Where others have a waist, you have a belly!