Bin ich zu dick?
Hallo ich weiß natürlich das ich sehr weit davon entfernt bin schlank zu sein aber ich bin trotzdem glücklich in meinem Körper und fühle mich wohl sollte ich trotzdem abnehmen und auf andere hören oder das machen was mir gefällt? Danke im Voraus für die Antworten
With this kind of overweight you harm yourself, the joints wear faster, vessels suffer and the organs are overloaded. In short, you are thus shortening your life.
It is no coincidence that one rarely sees heavily overweight old people.
Haha, how do you think there are many overweight old people.
I said you see few. You don’t see them because they vegetate in bed or sofa there with their broken joints etc., because they don’t get on their feet anymore.
I am overweight myself from birth and made me very insecure by this panic thing. I got panic myself. When people told me that I must suffer from diabetes and heart problems, I believe it and went panicky to the doctor. This panic cannot be healthy either. In the meantime, reality has taught me that I am core-healthy, other thickness on my family as well as normal-weight heart problems, too high blood pressure etc.
What are you going to do? I am convinced that high overweight does not cause health problems?
Not all, just as not all overweights can’t.
They can at least stand up and go outside the door.
What are you going to do? I am convinced that high overweight does not cause health problems?
Yes, of course, normal weights are fit with 90 like a gym shoe.
Healthy it is definitely not.
Well, if you’re satisfied, I think it’s okay.
Only in the future do you have to expect your joints to be damaged or you get other diseases due to the severe overweight.
Yes, unfortunately you are. I advise you to take off in a healthy way, so not with diet drinks or something. Maybe you just eat half of your portions, take less sugar and fat to you, maybe you don’t eat anything from 17:00 to stimulate fat burning and move more often. I mean, you’re always stupid, so if you eat less of unhealthy stuff, you can still enjoy it:)
I’d say do as it falsifies you, but:
If I were you, I would, if I weighed up to 130 kilos, I would try to come to 100 kilos. If I weighed 100, I’d try 80 kg. If you weigh 80 kg then try to get 70 then it fits. I know it’s hard my mother is also fat and she got it badly eat less candy 🍬 and more salad also not so much salt and fat. Make a little diet.
You can believe in yourself.
Also do some sport
I personally like such a lush figure very well.
But I honestly don’t think you are.
It’s a TikTokerin called juicee.fruitee.
Thank you for the clarification. Primitive Fakers are here a plague.
Look or look. It’s not healthy.
You’re sickly overweight and should definitely lose weight.
You hurt your health enormously.
Greetings DayX19
If you’re happy, you should stay like that. As long as you like it, it’s all right.
No, you have a great, curvy & female figure:)
Yeah, too thick, just regarding your health. To do yourself a favor, increase your quality of life and increase your life expectancy, you should lose weight.
This will change relatively quickly
If your health is only worth something in the least, the answer is quite clear: yes, you should.
Beautiful figure 🙂
In all cases do what you like, you look mega pretty and fucking cuddly!!😍😍💗💗
No, go on to 👍🏻
Looks good.
It’s not fat anymore.
Yeah, you’re too thick.
Great figure. Don’t find yourself too thick. Stay as you are.
have you seen the same picture as me, or are we talking about different pictures?
I think the same
you are strong overweight