Bin ich wirklich an der Gewichtsgrenze?
Hey ich bin 13 Jahre alt, 179 groß und wiege 58 Kg, einige sagen das ich bald Untergewicht bin, meine Eltern sagen ich wäre zu dick, wen soll ich glauben 🙁
Hey ich bin 13 Jahre alt, 179 groß und wiege 58 Kg, einige sagen das ich bald Untergewicht bin, meine Eltern sagen ich wäre zu dick, wen soll ich glauben 🙁
Liebe Leser und Leserinnen! Ich war letztens zu einer Untersuchung bei einem Arzt und dabei hat er mich auch gewogen und gemessen. Am Ende der Untersuchung sagte er mir ich hätte Übergewicht und sollte dies los werden. Ich fragte ihn wie viel ich abnehmen sollte und er antwortete:12kg. Ich war geschockt war ich wirklich so…
Hey ich fühle mich zur Zeit nicht so gesund und deswegen wollte ich die Ernährung umstellen. Habt ihr Tipps für Gesunde Ernährung um etwas Abzunehmen und reine Haut zu bekommen bin w 16 danke für eure Hilfe:)
Hey Freunde, ich fliege bald in den Urlaub & dort ist es sehr sonnig & ich will nicht braun werden sondern meine jetzige Hautfarbe behalten aber ich weiß das es unmöglich ist dort nicht braun zu werden stimmt es aber das wenn man durch die Sonne braun wird das man dann nachdem man in Deutschland…
Reicht das für in Tag? Morgens: 1 Brot mit käse, 1 Lolli Mittags: paar Karamell Bonbons, Erdbeeren Abends: 1 gem Salat, 1 Lolli Bin 14 und bewege mich sehr wenig
Hallo, hatte gestern eine Zahnbehandlung und nehme alle 4Std 400mg Paracetamol. Ich habe SOLCHE SCHMERZEN. (Beim Arzt lief alles super, also Behandlung war perfekt!) Wiege 60kg “Idealgewicht” auf 1,63m g Körpergröße. Darf ich auch zwei 400mg Tabletten auf einmal nehmen?
There is a seperate BMI calculator for children.
As for any BMI computer, this can be inaccuracies.
Musculature weighs a lot and can increase the BMI without which it is problematic.
If you have only one leg or only one arm you automatically weigh less with the same figure. This means that the BMI is lower without which it is problematic.
I guess now that you’re female and have the usual number of poor, poor, hands, feet, fingers, etc.
This would make you normal weight with lower normal weight and lower normal weight.
To underweight you still lack some, to overweight you lack more.
All right.
If you are very athletic now, the falsification of muscles can grab. Then it can be that you are far thinner than the BMI suggests.
In teenage years, the division into under and overweight is far more difficult than in adult.
The best way to answer this question is by a doctor who examines you. Then you’ll best make a blood picture with if there are already any deficiency symptoms that can be detected.
You’re really too easy for your body size.
Your BMI value is 18.10 = underweight.
The calculated BMI value shows that you are underweight in relation to your body size. If you eat with pleasure and pleasure and mostly balanced, you do not need to worry. Do you often have no desire to eat? Do you feel stressed? Or are your body dissatisfied? Then it makes sense to be advised.
Here is a website where you can calculate Selber.
In the case of a non-residential or non-professional person, the competent authority of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of residence of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of that Member State of the Member State of the Member State of that Member State of that Member State of that Member State of that Member State of that Member State of that Member State of the Member State of the Member State of the Member State of that Member State of the Member State of that Member State of the Member State of that Member State of the Member State of the Member
52 – 70 kg
Ideal weight
If the weight is between 52 and 70 kg, everything is OK.
For 13 years, I find 58 kg not very little, but it fits according to BMI calculator.
My best friend is 178 cm and a bit lighter, so direction 50 kg. She’s mother and she’s grown up for a long time.
I myself am 189-190 cm and also much lighter.
You’re probably not Dick. You’re quite big.
Yeah, you are. Your parents have a fuck.