Bin ich von meinen Eltern Abhängig?
Hallo ich bin M24 und wohne noch bei meinen Eltern im Haushalt. Ich teile mir ein Zimmer und habe somit keine Privatsphäre. Ich hatte noch nie Kontakt mit einer Frau und bin jungfrau und habe noch nie gearbeitet oder meine Schule beendet.Nachts darf ich nicht raus und wenn dann nur mit meinen Eltern oder unter ständigem Telefon kontakt. Ich schlafe Tagsüber und Nachts bin ich wach, damit ich ein bisschen Zeit für mich habe. Meine Hobbys sind Animes, zocken oder Musik hören. Viele meiner Freunde distanzieren sich und fühle mich allein gelassen. Wenn ich etwas brauche, Frage ich meine Eltern bzw meine Eltern machen alles für mich, bzw mein Vater hat das sagen.Meine Frage lautet, ist das Abhängigkeit? Arbeiten kann ich nicht, schaffe es nicht 8 Stunden zu arbeiten, habe es noch nie gemacht. Meine Hauptschulabschluss kann ich nicht nachholen, weil ich mich nicht konzentrieren kann auf schulische Sachen. Ich empfinde es nicht als Abhängigkeit, aber viele sehen mich so komisch an, ich bin doch kein Außerirdischer? Lg
I say this with sincere concern: have you ever had contact with a therapist?
It is not normal to have the concentration with the middle 20 to make a school day. It is also not normal to live with mid-20 like a teenager. And yes, you depend on your parents. It is the dependency you have as a teenager and most people are actually taking off at 17-20 years. You stayed in there somehow and it doesn’t seem to bother you.
I don’t know what went wrong with you, but something’s not the way it should be. You’ve somehow stopped with 15-16. I don’t know why.
Read out some other questions from you:
So either your parents have a real problem and can’t accept that you’re grown up. Or your parents know something you don’t tell us.
In the scenario where your parents are the problem, they probably pull you down psychically and talk to you one you should listen to them. That’s quash, a normal person can decide everything with 18 himself. (But one is considered legally awake and the parents have nothing more to say.) Even how late he comes home, whether he lives with his parents or not.
If you don’t put it on your parents’ own, get help, maybe from a therapist. You don’t have to involve your parents.
But whoever your parents know what we don’t know, zb, that’s a kind of restriction with you, and that’s why you don’t have to worry about it alone. Well, there should be a diagnosis. Is there something like that?
You should know that to give you a reasonable answer to your questions.
Who doesn’t, nim your life in your hand, find help outside your family. To whom there is no good reason why your parents control you like that, then you have to free yourself from them very quickly.
We are no longer in the Middle Ages, you can make money from home these days. But if you say yourself you can’t focus, it won’t work. You need a lot of time and patience.
Yeah, you’re dependent and I’d recommend you change it as soon as possible. It is not to live with 24 parents – there are quite different cases. Nevertheless, you need a livelihood, a job, whether part-time or full-time, only you should earn more than 1400 euros.
Furthermore, the following questions arise:
Why don’t you get out at night?
Why are you sleeping during the day?
You have to change everything.
You’re 24 years old. It’s not bad to live with his parents. But that you must not leave alone at night is very funny! Is there any problems you have not mentioned here? If that is not the case You think it’s right that your parents control you! You haven’t had a girlfriend yet, and you’re still a virgin isn’t bad as soon as you take your life into your hands. And then your friends won’t look so funny!
You can also work less. Don’t have to be 8 hours. A start would be good. And yes you depend on them.
It’s not normal for your age. Concentration: Are you in medical treatment? And because of work, you don’t have to do 8 hours every day. Find something for 4-5 hours, where you can take a 1/4 hour break if he doesn’t go…
Of course, the dependency.
You are financially dependent, your parents determine your daily routine and your private life
No, they don’t determine the daily routine only if they drive away what doesn’t happen so often, I have to go with it.
Then take the point. The other two are standing.
You are 24 years old, without school graduation, without completed vocational training and live with your parents..
What does dependency mean for you?
You’re dependent. Would your parents throw you out now, don’t you know what to do, do you?
So you’re dependent.
If you can’t work 8 hours, you can only work 4-6 hours.
I’m sure he won’t.
You remain to wish your parents survive you.
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