Bin ich Untergewichtig?
Kurz mal zu mir :Ich bin ein Mädchen und bin 13 Jahre alt, wiege 38kg und bin 1,55.Bin ich Untergewichtig?
Danke für die Antworten
LG Julia
Kurz mal zu mir :Ich bin ein Mädchen und bin 13 Jahre alt, wiege 38kg und bin 1,55.Bin ich Untergewichtig?
Danke für die Antworten
LG Julia
Hilft das bei chronischen Schmerzen? Diese senken nachweislich die geistigen Fähigkeiten, und ich wäre lieber tot als dumm.
Hallo, ich bin 15 jahre alt und ein Mädchen. Wachse ich noch?
Mein Kinderarzt empfielt paar impfungen aber Eltern und Großeltern sagen alle dass impfungen nicht so gut seien und dass Ich als Sie mich impfen ließen nur noch krank war, deswegen frage ich mich ob ich mein kleinen impfen lassen soll. Sohn is 10 monate und noch komplett ungeimpft, was meint ihr?
In dusche und badwanne
Hallo. Sehe ich, auf dem Bild, untergewichtig aus? Ich war 1.85 m, 67 kg schwer. Mein bmi wert sagte ja. Bmi: 19.6 Danke!!!
Schönen guten Abend , ich muss für eine Tauglichkeits Untersuchung (Ausbildung) 3kg bis zum 10.08 abnehmen (für Ausbildungsstelle) . Welche ideen habt ihr das ich kurzzeitig diese kilos verliere ? (muss nur für die Untersuchung runter, danach kann’s ruhig wieder hoch gehen). Danke schonmal Mir freundlichen Grüssen, D.M
According to BMI, you have 1 kg of underweight, so not dramatic. In growth, it’s quite normal and it’s all in. You don’t have to worry. Just keep moving and eat as healthy and balanced as possible, then everything fits perfectly. In addition, light underweight is usually also not bad and 1 kg is almost nothing.
39 – 53 kg
Ideal weight
If the weight is between 39 and 53 kg, everything is OK.
You can’t answer it on a flat-rate basis. There is a so-called BMI calculator for children and according to this you are still a little underweight. A BMI calculator is a measure, but he does not respect the muscle mass.
Fact is, you should be very slim.
Do you have many muscles? Muscles weigh more than fat.
Don’t worry about your weight. 13 is a dangerous age, in which straight girls are of the opinion of how to have to look the super thin models. No, you certainly don’t have to, because they are definitely underweight.
Leave the cradle. You can do that when trousers get too tight or too far, but it is absolutely not necessary to keep on weighing.
Try to feed you as balanced as possible, because just now in puberty your body needs a lot of nutrients. You really don’t have to control how often, when and what you eat. Just have fun at dinner, enjoy it, but don’t stuff up. Everything else tells you your body all by yourself.
I wish you all good
You write down that you eat well and drink:
Then everything’s good. Don’t worry. As long as you eat and drink reasonably, it doesn’t matter if you’re underweight with a kilo. Mainly, you feel good (so do not fall), have energy and power.
Have you been to the Youth Care Investigation? She’ll be with you soon. There, it will be looked at exactly if you show signs of deficiency symptoms.
According to your information, you have a BMI of 15.8 and are therefore underweight.
In the following link you can have it calculated again: action programmes/thematic and publications/themes/coerperweight-by-children-and-youngpeople-in-der-schweiz/computer-body-mass-index-bmi
The BMI has been invented for athletes.
How do you calculate that?
Here you can calculate it yourself with age, size, weight, gender.
Is my perception
You have the same thing as me, I think. You can eat as much as you want and will not be overweight
Thank you.
I think so. Do you eat enough a day? Are you drinking enough?
Yes, I do eat enough.Morgens in the evening and between meals.
I do somca2 liter
Then everything is perfect. Don’t make a big head, that’s great.
Needless? Because I write “that I think it already.” when I talk to the doctor from the outset.
It’s okay to say it’s really crazy
that is of course never wrong – unnecessarily frightening, but also nothing.
Bullshit. Nevertheless, you should go to the doctor and just let it taste.
Yes, you are.