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3 years ago

At least there are little problems for private aviation! In the case of flight suitability testing, the test is very accurate. You have to go through that! Wait until the CI is implanted and everything is optimally adjusted. Good CI can also be connected to the radio so that you can hear the radio optimally.

I’m often flying to a friend who’s 100% deaf. He got the PPL without any problems. He has been rejected for the aviation industry! However, it was not about the lack of hearing power, but about the uncertainty of the technology: if the batteries need to be changed at the CI, a deaf pilot sits in the cockpit for minutes. That was the reason.

Good luck and good luck! If you have the license, I’d like to fly with 😂👍

3 years ago

A hearing aid was also sufficient, you get in about 3 weeks.

3 years ago

It could be tight for an Airbus ticket, but for a Cessna it could go.