Bin ich sehr tief gesunken, wenn mich selbst Liebesszenen in Serien depressiv machen, weil ich einsam bin?

Mir ist natürlich klar, dass die Liebe nicht wie in den Serien ist und die Realität ganz anders aussieht, aber trotzdem sehne ich mich danach. 

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2 months ago


I can understand the longing, it’s similar to me.

But I also hate it somehow because to fulfill the longing you are dependent on another person and you cannot achieve it independently/self.

And even if you had found a perfect partner or a perfect/best-possible partner, the person could still die or the relationship go apart, so somehow is not completely safe and reliable.

Apart from that, I find social relationships also strenuous, so I’m not even sure if it would be better in a relationship.

Sorry that I just wrote about myself rather than going on to you is more like a “you’re not alone” text, I guess.

So, “low down” I wouldn’t say anything at all, feelings are always legitimate and all right and not reprehensible in any form.

And loneliness is also legitimate. Where I would say from my own and from consulting experience that there are usually other “problems” that make sure that you are not super good and you are more susceptible to, for example, loneliness or fears etc.

Btw. the “love” in classic Hollywood films and many books looks more like emotional dependency on me, so the consumption of such media does not make me feel so lonely anymore.

But I definitely wish you all the best and many positive emotions 🙂

2 months ago

Well, what does this mean, “…the reality looks different…”? Well, apart from series and films, in which it’s being scalelessly exaggerated, it can be exactly that.

…at a garden party looking at the stars together, showing them the big car. Follow them home later, a kiss on the cheek for farewell. Dinner the next day and then walk for a walk. The next date and the next and just fall in love with each other. It was like that with me.

Apart from that, people are herds, which does not mean that you can not be lonely among family & friends. I think it’s normal that we’re longing for love and a partner.

2 months ago

It’s not like serials. They only play on the emotional keyboard of the audience, create a (worldly) expectation that is not fulfilled.

If the expectation is not fulfilled, is it not loved by the world?

2 months ago

Ne, can already occur


2 months ago

Yes, at the beginning it can look like in the series.

2 months ago

No, you’re not. This is completely normal, my love

2 months ago

I think it’s normal

2 months ago

Yes, if you’re depressed, you better go to therapy

2 months ago

No, you didn’t drop at all.

That’s normal when love scenes pull you down.

2 months ago

then look for you man, you are locked in the cellar or how