bin ich schwanger obwohl test negativ ist?

Frage steht eigentlich oben,habe seit genau 4 Wochen meine Tagen nicht mehr bekommen,aber seit 4-6 Tagen unterbleib schmerz und Schleim in der Unterhose seit längerer Zeit ,bin auch Ständig Müde und habe Magenprobleme(Ständiger Stuhlgang und Blähungen) Mach Ich mir vielleicht nur Panik?

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2 years ago

Did you have unprotected intercourse lately? If so, there is at least the possibility of pregnancy.

As far as the negative test is concerned, when was he done, how long was the last sex already been, was the test done correctly?

In summary, that the period does not come, is at least an indication that a pregnancy could be present.

2 years ago

You should never make a test. Optimum are 3 (uneven number).

It would be best if you just went to the doctor (:

2 years ago

If you were pregnant, the test would be very positive after 4 weeks overdue.

However, that’s what you don’t really have pregnancy symptoms.

2 years ago

Just go to the doctor…