bin ich schwanger?
ich hatte gestern am 1. tag meiner periode ungeschützten geschlechtsverkehr. danach habe ich vergessen auf klo zu gehen jetzt habe ich die ganze zeit das gefühl auf klo zu müssen was auf eine blasenentzünfung hindeutet. allerdings glaube ich auch das meine periode aufgehört hat. bin ich vielleicht schwanger oder hängt das mit der blasenentzündung zusammen?
You don’t have any pregnancy symptoms so fast.
It is extremely unlikely to get pregnant if you have unprotected intercourse on the first day of the period. The ovulation takes 14 days before next Period. 5 days before and one day after the ovulation one is fertile and since this fertile phase does not fall on the first day of the period even in extremely short cycles one cannot become pregnant.
Even if you were pregnant, you wouldn’t remember anything. Pregnant is only 5-12 days after fertilization, since the egg needs so long to nest. Before you are fertilized but not pregnant for a long time and you have no symptoms. The first symptoms are about the absence of the period. If the menstruation does not come then you can make a pregnancy test, before that the tests are useless and will not provide safe results.
So you have to wait up to your next period to see if you are pregnant if she doesn’t come then make a test two days later if this is negative then you are not pregnant. Even if your period comes you are 100% not pregnant. I think a pregnancy with you is very unlikely anyway.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Maybe it sounds hard now, but how about letting you know your own body and its functions (including the sexual organs), before you have sex?
During the period, the risk of pregnancy is extremely low – almost two eggs would have had an ovulation.
And after a day you don’t notice anything.
If you didn’t prevent it, you should be a gynecologist – maybe you’ve got something on your partner.
many thanks! we have naturally informed ourselves and also read that risk is very low. However, we are still very young and just a bit panic. I only recently had my first time and was not yet with the female doctor even if I have of course! I am still a little calmer
And look, even if it is in need of reconciliation, that you have no unprotected sex (so condom). This also protects against the transmission of diseases.
Almost right. However, the “two egg cells almost at the same time an ovulation” is absolutely bullshit.
Because if the period starts, the last ovulation has already been at least 2 weeks. In a short cycle, however, the next one is already short, so that during the last days of the period there can be a pregnancy again.
Hello Marie,
You’re quite afraid to get pregnant, you even wrote here tonight. I’m sorry.
May I ask how old you are? You wrote, you’re still very young and you’ve had your first time recently. I understand that the “Symptomes” are now very disturbing and you are insecure.
How are you doing this morning? You thought about bladder infection… Did the bleeding really stop?
And your friend knows you’re just that scared?
Write again!
Here in good question there was, by the way, a very good explanation of the cycle and when there can be a pregnancy at all. Maybe you like reading in?
Do you have your period regularly and do you test your cycle? Well, that’s good enough to inform you.
So I was with the doctor now and I actually had a bubble infection, I then got an antibiotic. my periode also only briefly exposed and came again very easily. we were a little bit reckless and will not have any unprotected traffic anymore. I told him everything. my mother also knows about everything and she doesn’t believe I’m pregnant.
Then you were right about bladder infection. I’m glad you went to the doctor. I hope the antibiotic will help. I wish you better.
Dear Marie, can I tell you another thought? You’ve felt what kind of stress it brings to you when you sleep with your friend. It is also that no contraceptive is 100% – so there is always a way to get pregnant. This is also for experiencing, especially yours, not beautiful. Think about what really fits you – what you want for you. Now. Whether you really want to sleep with your friend or wait for something else. There are more young people than you think they’re still waiting. Sex should be nice.
I’ll give you the courage to look after your friendship and intimate contact, to look after what you feel in you and what you want and to talk to your friend about it.
Anyway, it’s really nice that you can talk to your mother openly, even about your concern to be pregnant. You obviously have a trusting relationship!
Love for you
make a test