Bin ich Schwanger?
Hallo ich hab einmal vergessen die Pille zu nehmen (erst nach über 12h bemerkt). Jetzt hab ich ein leichtes Ziehen im Bauch und auch Magen Projleme, hab auch ein Schwangerschaftstest gemacht, der negativ war, wusste da noch nicht, dass man die nach Ausbleiben der Periode erst machen sollte. War für zwei Wochen im Ausland, könnte das ziehen und alles vom Essen dort kommen?
With your question, you can absolutely not assess whether you could be pregnant or not.
A pregnancy test that was made too early has absolutely no significance.
If you take the pill a single time after more than 12 hours, it can cause the pill to stop working. I don’t have to.
On the one hand, this depends on what kind of pill you take and on the other, it depends on how far you have been in your current blister.
Most of the time, the protection remains if you have already taken the first two weeks of your blister.
Of course, pulling could also be related to your holiday.
I’d give you the advice:
Read the package leaflet of your pill thoroughly.
And go to the gynecologist and describe what happened there and your symptoms.
this also depends, among other things, on the week you forgot your pill.
If you forgot them in the second week, but before that you have taken 7 pills reliably, you should not have become pregnant.
If this is not the case, there is a chance!
Wait 21 days after the questionable Gv off& then make another test.
All right!
Even with pills that have been taken beyond tolerance, not every error leads to loss of protection. It depends on the pill you take, in which week the error has happened and, of course, whether you correct it (e.g. by adjusting the intake scheme).
However, in the case of uncorrected intake errors/exchange effects, a breakthrough ovulation (unwanted spontaneous ovulation) can occur which is then in the temporal connection with the error, but not with a “natural cycle”.
A commercially available pregnancy test from the pharmacy, drugstore market, well-sorted supermarket or shipping trade will deliver a relatively reliable result (over 99%) from about 19 days after the last unprotected intercourse (here in connection with a contraceptive application error).
Happy for you!
So or so