Hallo! Ich habe in letzter Zeit große Sorgen. Ich hatte meine Pille vor einer Woche rund 12 h zu spät genommen, habe aber am vortag mit meinem Freund Geschlechtsverkehr gehabt. In der letzten woche war der Geschlechtsverkehr „mäßig“ geschützt. Ich habe zwar meine tage, jedoch hat das ja nichts zu bedeuten, wenn man die pille nimmt. Jetzt frage ich mich, ob ich schwanger sein könnte? bitte dringend um Rat

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1 year ago

Not every fault also leads to loss of protection. It depends on the pill you take, in which week the error has happened and, of course, whether you correct it (for a combination pill, for example by adjusting the intake scheme).

But fortunately, the manufacturers are so careful and provide a package leaflet for each pill.

So you have the perfect source of information with the right hints exactly suitable for your pill directly with each pack.

As a rule, all questions concerning the contraceptive effect, taking, typical side effects, interactions and taking errors etc. are answered in the use information.

You can only get pregnant with an error in the first week (i.e. sex before the mistake).

After 7 correctly successive pill days after an error, each pill has become (except for the one. Qlaira – there are 9 days) a protection is built up again and the time of a possible breakthrough ovulation is bridged (plus security margin).

There are other recommendations for action in the second and third weeks.

What is “protected”?

I have my days, but it doesn’t matter if you take the pills.

See my contribution here:

Happy for you!

1 year ago
Reply to  hallolo12360

What exactly does “about 12 hours” mean?

There should be no more than 36 hours between two pills.

However, after 36 hours and 10, 20, 30 minutes and probably also after 37 or 38 hours, the tipping switch is not immediately switched and the egg ripening is started.

You seem to assume that you didn’t take the pill within 12 hours and there’s a mistake?

Then why don’t you follow the instructions in the package leaflet?

In the second week is the pupsegal, you continue taking normal, after at least 7 more pills go quite regularly to the break and everything is good.

In the third week you have two options:

Either you take the forgotten pill, leave the break and start the next blister directly.

Or you don’t take the forgotten pill and take a break (maximum 7 days).

These options are designed exclusively to preserve protection beyond the hormonal period of rest.

So again; from sex before a mistake, you can’t get pregnant in the second and third week of intake.

But you’re sure you want to get the protection?!

So, if you look out of a mistake, you should either count the break from the day of the forgotten pill (by ignoring the pills still taken afterwards) and start with the new blister accordingly earlier.

Or you will prevent up to 7 pill days of the new blister from now on.

1 year ago

Even when taking the pill, the abortion bleeding in the pause in the event of pregnancy would be highly likely. A single error does not necessarily lead to the loss of protection, but can generally be corrected very simply in the 2nd or 3rd week, see the package leaflet. What do you mean “protected”??