Bin ich schuld?
Hallo heute hab ich mit meiner Familie einen Ausflug gemacht und am Morgen gab es Streit weil ich mir meinen fuss abgehauen hab und dachte er wäre gebrochen weil es sau weh tat dan hab ich geheult uns das hat alle gestresst weil ich anscheinend sehr laut war (ich steigern mich gerne in dinge rein) ausjedenfall hat mein vater mir dann den Mittelfinger gezeigt und mir mindestens 3 mal gesagt das er und die anderen mich nicht mehr hier wollen es hat mich verletzt aber gut dann sind wir los gefahren und alles war gut und haben dann dort wo wir hingefahren sind so eine online stadttour gemacht als wir dann verschiedene Rätsel lösen mussten ist meine Mutter irgendwie ausgerastet und hatte keinen Bock mehr und ist jetzt schlecht gelaunt und sauer auf mich weil ich schuld seie das der Ausflug so scheisse war jetzt sitzen wir im Zug und sie ist kurz vorm heulen achso auf der Hinfahrt hab ich mit ihr eine Auseinandersetzung gehabt weil ich handy verbot hatte und keine 2 h ohne handy sein wollte muss ich mich jetzt schuldig fühlen ?
No, you’re not guilty. I think your parents don’t show you any respect, especially with the fact that they show you the middle finger and humiliate you. It doesn’t have to be real.
However, it should never come to argue with his parents (see 13).
Same kids?
Can’t hurt.
Maybe you’ll bite yourself up next time.
Precisely parents should take account of it and not punish one
Children need rules and discipline.
and children shouldn’t be mad…
Somehow I can understand your parents, but you too. I have the feeling that you’ve exaggerated your foot and that’s how the stress started. The mood was in the bucket and your mother has provoked her bad mood on your later activities. And with the phone, no intoxicating action has been from you. It’s up to you to act.
Oje… puberty and uncomprehensible parents, who probably only have their mouths for shame and forbid.
Your “I’m getting in fast” may be annoying – but I don’t see anything respectless.
That was the middle finger of your father.
I also don’t see any reason for a phone ban, just because there was a dispute (always).
Is this a problem with the phone ban going? Is that what makes it unhealthy? No!
If it was important, it would be better to talk about it in a quiet minute.
I can also communicate in writing.
Yeah, you’re badly educated and you don’t have any respect for your parents.
And you’re a smart phone.
Can’t handle boredom and have a low frustration tolerance.
And the fact that you’re asking if you have to have guilt shows me that you’re emotionally underdeveloped.
What shall I do to whom my toe is half off
Your toe was partamputed?
It is, of course, very respectful of you to subordinate certain things to the FS.
Thanks for the feedback, you weren’t wasted.
You don’t know anything about her, you only see a single day, and you immediately judge that she’s badly educated and has no respect. But the father shows her the stinking finger, which is also not respectful! And hitting a toe makes hello hurt! I know that because I happened to myself once, and when I hit it again, it hurts extremely!
What brings you your life experience when you decide so lump-sum and title it as emotionally underdeveloped! You need empathy when you talk to a teen, which seems to be missing.
You’re also accusing her of low frustration tolerance without knowing that her mother doesn’t have any, because she put her stinking socks in her mouth. (See other questions)
I’d never make myself so much, with all due respect, to make such a rigorous judgment. (For all due respect)
Respect expresses that you respect someone and give him attention. This ensures that a person can fully respect his dignity. An aspect that plays an important role in the Basic Law.
But what does it mean to be respectful? Quite simply: to take someone as he is without compelling him my ideas. Respect is when we deal with ourselves and with others tolerant, honest and polite. To treat all people so simply because they are humans.
» Treat your fellow human beings in everything as you want to be treated by them. This is what the law and the prophets demand.”
Matthew 7:12 NGU2011
I think I’m wasting my calories when I do that…
What do you want to tell me? I hear a critique, but I can’t fix it. Would they be so kind and would explain this question?
And where is your respect?
I know from experience that people tell stories almost always from their perspective and let themselves be standing well.
And I’m also sure you’ve left a lot of details to fish here for approval.
No, but I couldn’t move it anymore, and if my father shows me the middle finger because I’m crying, that’s really kind of him.