Am I completely lost with my grades, or is there still hope?


I'm currently completing my Fachabitur (university entrance qualification) in business and administration, but I feel like my grades aren't quite right. Sometimes I wonder if I'm completely on the wrong track or if there's still room to improve.

Unfortunately, my homeroom teacher doesn't seem very supportive, and I feel like she doesn't really notice me or take me seriously. I'm considering moving to the front of the class to keep up with the class and appear more active. Do you think that would help?

In general, I ask myself:

Are my grades really bad, or are they still within an acceptable range?

What exactly should I improve now to achieve better results?

Is it possible to catch up on the gaps, or should I be worried about jeopardizing my degree?

Are there strategies I can use to better motivate and structure myself to improve my performance?

I'm grateful for any tips and honest assessments! Thanks in advance!

These are my grades so far. I haven't received many of them back yet, so things could change for the better or worse 🙁

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3 months ago

Uh, Yais?

3 months ago

No matter, don’t worry too much, keep up and complete the exam.