Bin ich mit diesem Gewicht schon dick?
Ich bin w/16 Jahre alt und wiege 84 kg und bin 168 cm groß.
Ich bin w/16 Jahre alt und wiege 84 kg und bin 168 cm groß.
Hi, also ich wollte fragen ob meine Oberschenkel zu dick sind und ob ich abnehmen oder mehr Workouts machen sollte? Und ich wollte generell fragen welche „Größe“ meine Oberschenkel haben also zu dick, oder normal, oder schlank… hier ein Bild:
Und war es auch abhängig ob man Bauer oder Adel war ?
Wie viele von euch machen Wildkräutersalate, oder z. B. Veilchen kandieren, oder Bärlauchessig, oder Gierschpesto, usw.? Ich würde mich freuen, wenn möglichst viele teilnehmen und auch schreiben, was sie machen -Feuerdornmarmelade, Saft aus Vogelmiere, Brombeerblättertee usw.
das Hühnerfrikassee hat im Vergleich zu anderen sehr süß geschmeckt. Champignons waren drin
Hatte euer Meerschweinchen schon mal eine Gelenkerkrankungen? Wenn Ja welche? Welche Art hatte es? Wie habt ihr gehandelt? Habt ihr euerm Meerschweinchen dann was Besonders gefüttert?
At least you’re overweight. On the one hand, Dick is somewhat optical, so it cannot be said without a picture. This is also subjective.
At least overweight -presumably and if your mobility is restricted, will be disadvantageous.
The BMI offers a first orientation. With your information, the following information is available:
“BMI: 29,8
This value is clearly above the normal range of 18-24.9 for your age group. In the long term, severe overweight can lead to health problems. You better talk to your parents about it. A visit to your doctor is advisable.” calculator/bmi-koeperweight-pruefen/index.jsp
I think you already know that this is too thick. These are good 20 kg overweight and even then you’re not slim. However, it would be less in the healthy range at least with 20 kg.
In adults, a BMI of more than 30 is already sickly overweight – i.e. obesity level I
Here are the facts:
The BMI of 29.8 means “strong overweight”
51 – 64 kg
Ideal weight
If the weight is between 51 and 64 kg, everything is OK.
Yes, you are.
Everyone who claims otherwise speaks facts only beautifully.
Apparently a new trend is to glorify diseases.
Greetings DayX19
I am also repeatedly shocked that, on the one hand, sick behaviour is being treated more beautifully, on the other hand, normal behavior is badly spoken.
Comes from the left green woken Bubble.
It’s bad
It’s not advertising.
This is the new hip movement.
Man is perfect as he is. Overweight is great and normal to change his sex every day is great and normal, everything is just perfect.
I think it’s more of advertising.
First, sell tons of sweets and processed food and then say that the resulting body shape is big-and-beautiful.
No, I’m fine. In addition, bacon in girls gives beautiful female curves
You have a BMI under 30, so you’re overweight by definition. Whether you look optically thick is another thing. If, for example, the weight is distributed evenly over the whole body and/or you are very muscular, then you look less powerful than if you have a belly.
you have a BMI of 30, that is high overweight. normal would be a BMI to 24.
to your body size you should weigh under 70kg to be at least close to the normal weight.
The weight class in women is calculated as
Body size_cm -100 times 0.8 = normal weight
168-100=68×0,8=54,4 kg
You’re plentiful, no matter how to call it. You will know best in what condition you are when you run up the Teppens.
What’s a weight class?
In the SPort “weight classes” there are no heavy weights to make the skins simply plated.
UNd then gives a classification for women and men in underweight, normal weight, ideal weight and overweight.
Biite then google if there is interest.
If you are managing bodybuilding and muscular, no.
Data entered: Girls, 16 years
Size: 168cm
Weight: 84 %
Errechneter Body Mass Index: 29.76
Your child is overweight.
With the calculated BMI, your child would have overweight and should be examined for the occurrence of risk factors according to the guidelines of the Adipositas Working Group in the Child and Youth Age (AGA). Consult your pediatrician and youth doctor to find out more. He can judge your child best.
No can get even more
I don’t think it’s fat. Bisschen chubby might. Don’t let them make you crazy whose lives are determined by values like BMI. We can’t all look the same and don’t have to. In addition, the BMI does not take into account some things, so it is only a relative value. The only thing that matters is you doing well?
Not thick, but overweight and therefore health-friendly.
Therefore also the question whether she is well. All life is health-friendly. It inevitably leads to death. We have only a limited influence on the one hand and the other later and at the end.
Their lives are determined by health.
The BMI is a scientific and medically correct remedy for overweight or underweight.
It’s not a relative value.
In women, he is very accurate, in men too.
If someone does not do sports that massively promotes muscle building in any way, the BMI is always applicable.
I don’t think the young lady here asked for health reasons. She also knows that this is not optimal. I think she’s been asking for emotional reasons, maybe she’s also being bullied or has to listen to any sayings from people who suck ice cubes for breakfast. Emotional support was in demand here and all of you are doing great. Then it is not only overweight, but also gets undervalue complexes and depression. Good job!
What you feel and what doesn’t have no significance.
I can also say that I feel the earth as a disc, do not change the fact that it is not.
Overweight do you not necessarily look at one, or are the people you see naked through the streets?
No, you don’t seem to know what a causal connection is.
Just because the cancer rate is highest in men, not all men have cancer.
Only because overweight massively increases mortality, not all overweights die from their overweight. There are also other diseases…
The most common cause of death in Germany is cardiovascular disease, which, among other things, are greatly favored by overweight, but does not mean that each of the overweight is dying of it.
Nobody talks about that.
You can also go to McDonald’s or eat 2 pizzas a week without being overweight.
You flatten everything and glorify a disease.
According to the BMI table, approx. 50% of all Germans as overweight. If I look on the street, I don’t feel that way. Approximately 10% of all deaths are due to the consequences of “overweight”. Wouldn’t that be 50%? There is also a difference between obesity and obesity.
Being compelled to live healthy can be just as good in mental stress and as the word says, become compulsion. This is not good for the soul and also adds physical damage to the body. Unfortunately, there are no statistics about this, because not as measurable as the BMI.
So, was nice to write with you and wish you a pleasant day!
That’s not the point.
I’m not saying you’re supposed to live like that.
It’s about overweight, a disease, one of the most common causes of death you’re playing down.
What’s the spell?
Just because their classmates aren’t thick?
No one gets overweight from a Nutella bread, this is a combination of permanently poor diet and too little sport.
I don’t understand the meaning of your statements, I’ve never addressed bodybuilding or the like.
I can only laugh about it ðŸ ̃‰ I train three times a week with nem private trainer (in his private gym) and I find that completely sufficient. He’s a former Vice European Champion in bodybuilding and he sounds just like you. Everything’s all about eating and training. He’ll get the crisis if I say I have breakfast a jam bread. He also knows no other topics of conversation, otherwise has no idea and looks at each occasion in the mirror. Technically, he’s super, no question. But that’s just like a bubble.
I don’t care.
It only excites me how to be so blinded
“Eiscubes suck” and “have no life” just because you are not physically ill and sports.
How to live in his bubble is a mystery to me.
Hahaha ðŸ ̃‰ was a hit!
If you weren’t affected yourself, and that’s why you’re completely blinded, you wouldn’t write such a weak mind.
Come close.
I’m actually not overweight and also driving sports. I don’t have to justify myself. You wouldn’t hurt some empathy. But you don’t need them in the gym where you obviously spend most of your time. I still have a real life.
It doesn’t matter.
It is still massively unhealthy and that should be explained to her.
On the question “I’m thick”, you can only answer yes, because it is strongly overweight.
Or feed healthy and balanced and drive sports.
I realize you seem to be overweight.
Because you talk about facts?
The world is not pink red.
A little curvy.
Yeah, definitely.
Yes think so
I think you are definitely overweight
Yes, full.
Yes, yes.
yes, clearly
depends on the muscle mass. But could be
the other
Overweight has not been the question.
It could be that you have a lot of muscle mass and is not fat…
If it were, you could write everything.
It could be that she has no/a little muscle mass – overweight she is definitely.
If she was a trained sportswoman (ball player, ringer, etc.), she wouldn’t ask a question like that.
You’re extremely overweight.
Lg ThexSun
No, that’s not extreme, but overweight.
But, on the size, this is almost twice what a woman weighs average.
What do you think women weigh on average with a size of 168cm?
I said FAST twice as much.
Women with 168cm weigh on average 42kg – do you really want to say that?
I think that’s not fat.
This is 100% thick!
That’s a point of view. For some, everyone who weighs too thick.
BMI is not a point of view
Oh, yes!
That’s not a point of view.
Yes, you are
Without a picture you cannot judge how “thick” you are.
Yes. BMI ~30