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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

This has to do not only with the spiritual maturity, but also with the fact that your body is currently undergoing the puberty rebuilding work. Drug use is not healthy anyway, but can be particularly harmful if the body has not yet grown. If you’re very strict, it’ll be so far only in the course of the 20s. The longer you wait with consumption and the less and the less you consume when you consume, the better.

So or so you should go with the topics Safer use and Drugchecking put apart. The composition of illegal drugs can never be exactly safe without laboratory analysis. With all the substitutes and extenders used, this is more risky than it should be.

You can find many general information about the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption here:

2 years ago

It’s more dangerous to do. It is so harmful and can lead to all possible diseases, and in puberty one is still in development, so it is even more dangerous. Immature means that you do something unreflected that hurts the body very much and you do not want to recognize or recognize the danger behind it

2 years ago

Actually, you should not consume it at any age. It’s not a young man. Then even if you may already like mature and adult FÜHLEN: Your body is still in the development, and these are drugs very harmful

2 years ago

You can’t say flat. However, the risk is significantly higher in childhood. I would advise you to wait for one or two years, with the end of seventeen, this is no longer so narrow to see.

Of course, there are also the people who take everything possible with 13 and still acquire Abitur and Studies, on the other hand, but also those who end up in a joint with a psychosis after a train.

If you can take the risk, you can only decide.

LG, TheDarkerAXK

2 years ago
Reply to  TheDarkerAXK

If you have any further questions that include my personal experiences for the pie, you can contact me privately; about that you don’t give so much price publicly.

2 years ago

Definitely. Many who start this at the age do not reach the age when they were mature for it…

2 years ago
Reply to  MeinNeuerName

But this is now also greatly exaggerated..

2 years ago
Reply to  Henny97

Nope. Unfortunately, this is not so exaggerated. Have been able to track the corresponding crash of two students. They had all the chances, but they did so. I can only warn against it. Unfortunately, the destructive potential is immense, and with 16 you can’t grasp it at all, that’s a lot of older people.

Just fingers away from it from the beginning.

2 years ago

Speed should not be consumed at any age. The Sch*** destroys your body and the psyche. Let you help with the withdrawal of professionals.

2 years ago

Yes there is still too young

2 years ago

16 is definitely too young, just at Pep! Wast a few more years

2 years ago
Reply to  Henny97

What’s Pep? Is that speed?

Nix couple of years waiting – don’t take!

2 years ago
Reply to  jentolon

Naja Pep is a thousand times less unhealthy than alcohol so half as wild.

You know, it’s the best thing to do, but I wanted to say that.

2 years ago
Reply to  jentolon

Yes, it’s better not to take anything, but if you want to consume, you do it anyway. Then it is much better to consume when you grow and the brain is mature and not with 16

2 years ago

I don’t think you’re at the right age.

Hands away from drugs


Turn to your family doctor, he’ll help you get away from the drugs.

2 years ago
Reply to  jentolon

Would you like the same answer if the fs were talking about coffee and alcohol?

2 years ago
Reply to  Carljohnson197

Alcohol absolutely!

Coffee no

Here is the speech of speed and cannabis!

2 years ago

Coffee search is rarely something you can treat

Since this drug is very suitable for everyday life and is very recognized in society remain addictive simply addicted

2 years ago

Where did I land here?

May you go to addiction clinics and ask who is being treated there because of his coffee addiction and who is due to other dependencies!

2 years ago


Cannabis is not far away from the dangerous conduct of coffee

Alcohol and speed