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1 year ago

In addition to black, you can actually see nothing on the photo except for rather inappropriate shoes – and since the jacket is laid down, what actually matters cannot be judged.

1 year ago

During the interview, you’ll drop the bag and pull the coat out. Your opponent does not see these parts of the outfit, but the top not visible on the photo below.

The shoes look like you came by the company on the way to hiking through the winter forest. So absolutely not after interview!

And has the pants down a frayed hem? Looks like it on the (unsharp…) photo.

No, I would give you this outfit in this (my ;)) Do not recommend a job for an interview! Grab more classic clothes. It doesn’t have to be the complete business outfit (depending on industry and business, it might even be overdressed…).

But google after “business casual” or “smart casual”! You can use what you find in particular in the image search as an orientation and inspiration. And remember that the people you will meet will be all about 10-30 years older than you, with an enormously high probability, and that the most up-to-date fashion enthusiasts will only be accompanied with some delay at all, and they will find something more disturbing every year;).