Bin ich eine schlechte Mama, wenn ich ehrlich erzähle, wie es bei uns wirklich zu Hause abläuft?


Mir ist aufgefallen, dass kaum mehr eine Mama ehrlich erzählt, wie es wirklich zu Hause mit Baby abläuft. Mein Kleiner ist jetzt 3 1/2 Monate alt und hat die Anfangszeit sehr extremst und viel geschrien. Ich hatte immer den Eindruck, dass er Dauer unzufrieden ist, egal was man getan hat. Ich erzähle mittlerweile auch ehrlich darüber, auch dass es jetzt teilweise immer noch sehr anstrengend ist. Einfach, weil niemand mehr ehrlich ist…einfach denke ich aus dem Grund, so war es bei mir Anfangs ja auch, dass man sonst als schlechte Mama abgestempelt wird, die dass nicht hinbekommt…anbei bin ich auch erst 22…da gibt es bestimmt Vorurteile…

Möchte gerne mal eure Meinung hören, vielen Dank. Gerne dürfen auch andere Mamis erzählen, wie ihr Alltag mit kleinem Baby so ist…dass wird mir, und ich denke vielen anderen Mamis/Papis auch sehr gut tun, einfach zu sehen, dass es bei vielen so ist. Und nicht immer so perfekt, wie man es oft dargestellt bekommt…


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1 year ago

Hey, everybody’s different. With my first son (was 20) I actually felt the baby time very pleasant and could not understand how others could say that babies are exhausting. My second is now 5 and only for a year I think it’s getting easier. So sometimes you’re stressed, sometimes it’s going well. It’s always really great with no one. Children are exhausting, every mother knows 🙂

1 year ago

I don’t think I’m bad and I work in the educational field. Somewhere, your emotions and your experiences have to be with the baby. With us parents also tell us how it is with the younger and they do not take a leaf in front of the mouth. I often hear stories about how bad the child has slept that it just misses a lot or generally has a bad mood for a week. That’s part of it, and you’re not doing anything wrong when you’re telling the things they are. In the end, this is also healthier and you are less likely to throw your child on the wall (which is quite a thought in the case of a lack of sleep), even if it becomes difficult because you see everything more realistic and do not make false ideas or accusations. Everything, everything fine

1 year ago

No, it doesn’t make you a bad mother.

As you have noticed correctly, there are many who are not honest. The picture is also very distorted by perfect social media massages, at least I have the feeling. getting and having children is very exhausting. The workload is enormous. But when you hear people call parental leave, it shows how little knowledge these people have.

I think it’s quite normal if you’re overwhelmed as a parent and sometimes make mistakes and it’s an unding that third parties always think they know everything better and would make it much better. Every family is different, every child is different and every mother is different. Apart from that those who always spit the greatest tones usually have no children, or are not the person in the household who takes over the main part of child education and care.

I think it’s good that you’re on it and don’t let anything talk to you, especially nothing that goes against your own intution as a mother – ala “before we just let them scream and make the door to the children’s room.”

1 year ago

Mothers are very non-solidar.

There is a lot of lie in this area.

It may be because requirements are placed on mothers, which nobody can afford.

Mothers are not superhumans who must satisfy all the clichés of their environment.

By the way, mothers are not people who forgive their children everything, they do not have to, even mothers have borders.

There are mothers who are full of baby happiness and there are mothers who are overwhelmed or lonely. Everything is normal and these conditions can also change.

I’ve made myself rule to tell all mothers I know they’re allowed to report to me when the blanket falls on their head. With the assurance that this will remain among us.

Having confidence alone that you are not alone, I find very important.

Certainly, however, it also takes courage and trust to be able to communicate, even if one does not fill the perfect mum image.

1 year ago

I am quite right to you – but honestly I did not know that it is unintentional to talk about the challenges with baby?

I had a (informal) mum group, we met each morning on a playground or park for many years and we were getting together (but also laughed a lot), while the larger siblings made the area unsafe. Without those I didn’t feel like I lived over the first years!

My son was also such a typaby, but the more mobile he became, the better it became – it was as if he was frustrated in a small helpless koerper. When he was able to run with 10 months, he was the most joyful child ever, and now with 19 he is still a sunshine (okay, mostly:). I know how it feels, but it’s better, promised!!!

1 year ago

It’s cool you’re so young mom. Yes, in some circles perfection is played. But believe me, there isn’t. The more children, the more chaos. Is most of course unpleasant to talk about it. But if you don’t want to neglect the children, that’s the way. Look for an honest circle of mothers or get used to it… is a time certificate….

1 year ago

I was breastfeeding my baby and was with him in the fresh air several times a day for several hours. It barely cried and we had a very nice time together. Very extreme and much quasi.

1 year ago
Reply to  LeckermaulVK

I did that with my big one too, but he was still a typaby, some babes are so, and if it is the first one, one naturally believes that it is in oneself. My second was the absolute opposite.

1 year ago
Reply to  Steffile

But it was my second. Thought about shrines because of colic by bottle feeding.