Bin ich ein schlechter Mensch?

Hey Leute um ehrlich zu sein, schäme ich mich ein wenig um meine Mutter wenn wir draußen sind und ich mein Ex sehe oder sonst wen schäme ich mich total, wenn ich mit meiner Mutter bin oder mit sonstige Verwandten. Ist das normal? Ich hab Angst, was die anderen über mich denken.

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4 months ago

You think too much about the opinion of others and forget that you yourself are a human being. Stay with you and look at you. The opinion of others is not always important

4 months ago

that should give you much more care what others think and they don’t think so much about you as you mean. They all have enough to do with themselves.

4 months ago

then avoid and block the ex. He’s not good for you. Get away from your environment, from your life and your mother will always remain your most important person in life and never the ex. To her you have to stand in life and to her too. Threaten to him punishment when the ex continues to harass or insult you. He has to stay away from you.