Bin ich ein schlechter Freund?
Bin ich ein schlechter Freund, wenn ich morgens 5 Std früher aufstehe als meine Freundin und mich um ihr Kind kümmere ,essen mache und das Haus sauber mache? (zumindest ohne Staubsaugen etc). Und wenn meine Freundin Mal wach ist und dann ihren Haushalt tut, freue ich mich etwas Zeit für mich zu haben und zocke etwas am Handy. Leider passt das ihr gar nicht. Sie sagt zwar, dass das gelegentliche Zocken okay sei, aber das überwiegende spielen in meiner Freizeit, mich süchtig mache. Zusätzlich behauptet sie, dass ich mich nützlich machen sollte.
Natürlich erledigte sie auch ihre Haushaltsaufgaben, z. B kochen, wäsche machen und hin und wieder das Aufräumen. Aber ich habe das Gefühl, das ich alles falsch mache. Ich fahre sie auch jedes Mal überall hin, da nur ich einen Führerschein habe und den Einkauf teilen wir uns auch.
Deswegen frage ich mich, ob ich wirklich vieles falsch mache?
Ich würde mich echt um jede Antwort freuen, weil ich echt überfordert bin.
Und tut mir leid für meine Rechtschreibung und das Beschreiben, das liegt mir einfach nicht 😅
You should write down times and activities. Then you can talk a little more objectively.
It’s hard to stop seeing men sitting on phone games. You don’t create anything and don’t develop, as it would be with musical instruments, model construction, etc.
But how does it happen that you always get up for 5 hours??? In time you seem to do a lot of useful things.
So even me would be interested in a daily log of you. :
Housework makes more joy when you do it together and it is partly strange when one is totally relaxed and the other is created in the same space, even if it is just from the tasks. But there could also be a protocol ( how long do you really shock? Do you do something much longer with child and household?
In fact, we did it lesteb evening also together what was really fun. Sometimes it comes to me as if I had to take over my role and at the same time a part of my role. And talking usually does not work then the statement for a discussion I have no strength
That sounds really like a good idea that helps me further thank you very much:)
I get up so early because she always complained that the little one had slept so long and no real sleep times. At that time the little one went to sleep at 3:00 at night.
At the moment I’ve brought her to sleep at 9 p.m. and she’s up at 10 p.m. so she’s got something from the day. Unfortunately, my girlfriend is more of a night owl stays awake for a long time and stands up accordingly. 🙁
Then the child sleeps 13 hours?
So, what time your friend would like to sleep as a young mother is a big one. I don’t think so. And you could also change, who should get up and who should be longer.
Did your girlfriend ever have a regular daily routine with work and stuff?
Sleeping every day until the long morning as mother is honestly quite nice and you have less time than family.
How is it in the evening, then you sleep early before exhaustion and she sits on the computer for hours?
In the night or in total on the day. The little one is 15 months old I always stand up when the little one stands up so we let her sleep through what is usually about 10 hours after she sleeps
But in the night, she helps me when the little crawls brings her to drink or tries to put her to sleep.
And the night alone, your girlfriend doesn’t make anything useful, does she?
Yes she had had a regulated daily routine with work but that was before pregnancy.
I usually go to sleep shortly after the little one sleeps and sleeps well with her and we get up at the same time. I also care about the time for her to sleep at least 10 hours.
Since I have sleep problems I am almost always awake but also always at sleep in the evening so I also find it easier to care for them in the night.
Not quite on the computer but constantly on the handy
Just make a list of your works and if she likes to give her the list to read….
Yes that sounds good that I will make