Bin ich ein Psycho Borderline?


Ich bin M19 und spiele öfters mit dem Gedanken mir in die Oberarme zu schneiden wenn es mir nicht so gut geht.

Ich will mich mal selber wieder spüren und dass es weh tut.

Bin ich verrückt bzw., ein Psycho?

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5 months ago

In these questions I always answer the same..I always helped the very simple meditation at the time.. Just 20 minutes immediately after getting up thinking nothing. But no longer

Are you trying? It’s amazing!

And if yes, say

5 months ago

You’re not crazy, you don’t necessarily have Borderline, but should talk to a therapist urgently

5 months ago

In the beginning, it wouldn’t be so absurd to talk about mental illnesses, otherwise you don’t accept them even with yourself.

5 months ago

Nee that others also do, borderliners mainly harm the people who have to do with them because they tend to manipulate others for attention, love and recognition and experience this extreme black/white, for which one is either the most perfect person in the world and they kiss the ground on which one goes, or as soon as one does something that they don’t like, one is the most terrible person who ever exists and they always give one the fault they are doing so.

So people only know extreme feelings or they feel every little change of their feelings as very extreme:

You say something nice to a Borderliner and he feels great immediately and Mega falls in love with you and everything. You say what normal people would say as “Yes is not so nice of you to say this” and then forget again, but the Borderliner is immediately destroyed on the ground and hates you forever.

I used to be friends with a Borderliner, I thought to know how the ticks, helps me get clear, but I was wrong because Borderliners don’t even help if you know how they tick because they still react as they do.

5 months ago
Reply to  KebliBoy

Most of the Borderliners are hurting themselves and not harming others.

5 months ago
Reply to  JoeMamaGF

Yes, they don’t want to do this, and yet they’ll destroy the people in their surroundings if they don’t understand that it’s normal for Borderliners to react as they do.

5 months ago

So, those who say it openly are better because there you can adjust rather than suddenly hear “You are a monster I hate you” though you think everything is good and the reason was because you had forgotten to ask how the sick mother is.

5 months ago

Yeah? But that’s the point. Don’t let it go to others. Even healthy people can have such feelings and thoughts, they are stronger and more intense in Borderliners.

I myself have a BPS and find generalization dangerous.

5 months ago

The ones who pretend to be all right, even though they’d push a car that’s most likely?

5 months ago

These are not the silent Borderliners. They do not notice the mood changes and the split.

5 months ago

You mean who hate one out of cheerful heaven and then also expect that you must know why it is justified for them that hate one just?

5 months ago

Most Borderliners are silent Borderliners they often show it not even outside and show more SVV.

There is the and the kind of Borderline. Only you’re making it quite general.

5 months ago

This can only be judged by a skilled person.

5 months ago
Reply to  Frager1899

Not necessarily. Whether someone is mentally ill can sometimes also be recognized by a layman.

5 months ago
Reply to  AndreH363

You can know if someone is not mentally healthy. But we can’t diagnose this can only be a specialist.

5 months ago
Reply to  AndreH363

But in order to establish a specific disease picture, I would rather contact specialist staff. His symptoms could indicate on boarderline, but also on troll syndrome.

5 months ago

I can recommend you to go to boxing or walk at night.

You’ll never feel so alive

5 months ago

Do you have the BPS diagnosis???

Self-infringement has nothing to do with Borderline. And just because you got that, you don’t have a Borderline.

5 months ago

You’re not crazy, but what it looks like you’re mentally ill in some way. Please get help. It’s best to go to the doctor’s office. He can give you a hand.

Good luck! 👍

5 months ago

Either you just want attention or you’ve got constrained thoughts.