Bin ich ein guter Autofahrer wenn ich 38 Stunden mit dem Auto in die Türkei gefahren bin ohne zu schlafen?

Ich sollte Pilot werden. Die Ärzte in Deutschland sagen ich sei schizophren. Kein Schizophrener kann 38h ohne zu schlafen Auto Fahren.

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7 months ago


Police annual statistics 2023; In the case of 2.2 million accidents, damage to property remained, in the case of some 292,000 traffic accidents, people were injured or (killed, nearly 3000)!

We simply take this to buy that thousands of men are injured annually and about 3000 die, because it will “make” it into the “standard” whereby families are destroyed, professional and family life cycles are sometimes greatly altered, etc. This, however, is a schizophrenic elimination, it is striking again, which deviates too much from our “normality”. This is then evaluated outside our own schizophrenic behavior as “Schizophrene”. Of course, it is very sensible as road users to minimize the risk for themselves and others, in the awareness that we can become a perpetrator at any time. “Juristic vehicles are defined as weapons”

8 months ago

No, on the contrary.

You’ve been in violation of regulations twice: on the one hand, because you’ve been driving for 38 hours without sleep (have you taken a break at least once?), on the other hand, because schizophrenia is an absolute exclusion criterion for driving suitability.

And don’t say a schizophrener couldn’t. A symptom of schizophrenia is insomnia.

8 months ago
Reply to  Scarmufasa

I think you’ve been driving for nothing.

Do you even have one?

8 months ago

I think you’re so smart, huh? Stay best in Turkey, your driving licence is safer than here.

8 months ago

No, actually, you’re an extremely bad driver because you can’t really assess the danger.

This is like driving a snowstorm 180 and celebrating when you arrive without flying from the highway

8 months ago

I am a good driver

What’s good about it? Above all, a rather unconsidered driver, because in an accident, your driving time will play a serious role in the guilt question. And if negligent killing always goes on parole, is questionable.

The doctors in Germany say I’m schizophrenic.

Well, maybe there’ll be something there.

No schizophrenic can drive 38h without sleeping car.

And why not, Doctor?

8 months ago

You are definitely a responsible driver and that’s nothing you can be proud of.

8 months ago
Reply to  Scarmufasa


8 months ago

No, you’d be a irresponsible and bad driver!

Because no person with a mind gets so negligent himself and others in danger.

As a driver and a pilot completely unbearable if you are brunetted with such a thing!

8 months ago

You are a potential killer who deliberately puts the life of innocent people at stake.

8 months ago

No, it’s more irresponsible.

I mean, I’m going to go through where others take a break, but that’s just negligent and life-threatening, especially for others

8 months ago

No, you’re a dangerous madman.

8 months ago

No, you’re not good, you’re negligent.

8 months ago

No, you’re not a good driver.

This is totally irresponsible…

8 months ago
Reply to  Scarmufasa

Nope. You are irresponsible

8 months ago

With such a nonsense certainly not