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1 year ago

Hey, I think you have a good stature! So I would be very happy if I had such a stature since I felt rather too thin and unfortunately cannot increase..

Everyone is good as he/she is and unique in his way. You shouldn’t let anyone down because of his appearance. These are all envyers who would like to look like that don’t worry about it! You have to feel comfortable in your skin and no one else will let you not bite your leg, they all have no idea what humanity is and how to deal with others character of a garbage can otherwise they have nothing.

(I’m against mobbing)

1 year ago

So I am 15 and also 1.84 but weigh 10 kg less than you. I have a BMI of 21.6 which is usually rich. I’d say you’re light in weight but not dramatic.

1 year ago
Reply to  leon734

You’re not fat. If you don’t want to get fat, you should see that you’re holding weight or taking 5 kg in the best case. But to be really fat you have to weigh over 90 kg with the size

1 year ago

You look completely normal. Wait a minute. Not that when they get older suddenly become thicker. You say so beautifully, who laughs best.

1 year ago

You look like you have a rather high body fat content.

1 year ago

Looks normal

1 year ago

They’re just saying to annoy you, probably they’re even jealous of you.

1 year ago

You don’t look fat really normal. But your outfit sucks just to info

1 year ago
Reply to  Punker777


1 year ago
Reply to  Punker777

Let him wear what he likes, just because you don’t find the outfit nice, it doesn’t mean that he’s been forced into it for a long time. Everyone should wear what he likes, there is always someone who has something to expose. Everyone has a different taste and who knows what you wear for outfit surely gives many who don’t find your outfit beautiful too?! I’m sorry, but I had to get rid of it just to info 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Manuel426

^ yes someone would have to say that but I find it ugly

1 year ago

Well, you can always do something to remove such people from your circle when they are “friends”. If it’s “family” it’s harder but if you want to get out and get help you get out of there too.

I’ve also had false people around me for years, I’ve been a lot away from my life because I just realized that I’m only being exploited and I’ve been loyal to myself and I’ve been standing up and I’ve been making limits and taught myself that I have to deal with others respectfully because I myself also expect the other to be respectful to me. I’ve never been shown this by mobbing noticed how miserable it is when you’re treated so badly and I’ve had to teach myself a lot I didn’t have to show any of the values. I didn’t know what it meant to be loved 3 years ago and what hugs are by a single person who is a reference person for me I was allowed to learn that first, you never know what other people are going through, so you should always be nice and respectful to others. I always come over cold and look arrogant but in my inner I am anything but cold and arrogant I have always felt cold in my life I have never gotten love and also my “family” has never been able to give me that I have learned this through a “femde” person at the time and I have to teach myself a lot of myself I have to protect others who have not been able to defend myself and to deal with others who are much bigger and so I have learned. Better alone in the shadow than in the light with rats! Humanity is lacking in this world and it is slowly becoming really high time that humanity begins to change and think about the right values and not about anything like money, appearance and so a red what humanity needs is brain to think about how to deal with other people.

1 year ago

Yes, my character isn’t fucking my problem, but there or people around me rum. Yes there is asocial Dan that is so Dan I am for you a social of me it does not

1 year ago

There are no backgrounds to look for that that you have no character and reputation is still levelless. I mean, everyone’s wearing his pack in his life and I don’t know what’s going on in your life doesn’t bother me and don’t touch me. I also have my dreamatas like everyone else, etc, and still know what decency and respect is no matter what happened to you in life, there is no right to be respectless to others. This just shows the character and I have years of human knowledge and that alone already on the internet, so I can already know how the character of some people is and for that I don’t need to get to know this person in the real life or to meet if such person reveals himself as you now in the internet and show me their character so I have no lust for people. I don’t give up a case with that. Watch

1 year ago

+2 but the other behind

1 year ago

I’m sorry, but I don’t give it to your level. You know that you’re still a child

1 year ago

Sorry I am a social

1 year ago

It’s nice that you find it ugly that you could keep for yourself if you write so disrespectful, as no one forces you to dress these clothes. I found everything okay until the last statement from you that I found just disrespectful so I gave a comment. You could’ve just pretended nicer and not so bad.

1 year ago

With wide clothes you could even be mad. If you want a real answer then show your belly, otherwise you only get misunderstanding.🤷🏻 ♂️

1 year ago
Reply to  leon734

Then you’re normal weight. Nothing else.

1 year ago

Looks normal. After all, do not delete your questions about it 😂

1 year ago

Are not fat, can still grow

1 year ago

You’re definitely not fat.

1 year ago

Don’t be fat. Don’t tell me

1 year ago

No you are not but you look (not mean evil) like a lobe

1 year ago

What is this? 83kg at 184cm is normal weight. Is this supposed to be a joke to get the eating people up here on GF times?