Bin ich arm aufgewachsen?

Mir fällt grad ein, ich bin in einem Haus aufgewachsen wo es keine Heizung gab.

Es gab nur ein Kaminofen im Wohnzimmer.

Mein Schlafzimmer oben war immer arschkalt.

Es hat halbe Stunde gedauert bis es unter decke warm genug wurde und ich einschlafen konnte…

Meine Mutter hat immer gesagt, lass deine Zimmertür offen damit die Wärme vom Kaminofen im Wohnzimmer nach oben in mein Schlafzimmer gelangt.

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1 month ago

In the 1960s the absolute standard was in German.

This changed only with the economic upswing for large populations.

1 month ago

Well, an example is not enough to be able to judge.

1 month ago


It seems to me somehow well known, because my childhood was such that

we had 2 fireplace stoves. It was an old building ( house ) and the ceilings very high

It took a long time to get warm.

I wouldn’t look at your situation.

LG. Angel 👼

1 month ago

I had that 70 years ago, nix with heating. However:

It took half an hour to get warm enough under deck and I could sleep…

Even then there were warm bottles.

1 month ago

Always appreciate what you’ve got people who don’t have a roof over the head gives people who are now just at the moment you’re lying loose in bed and being bombed chilkst. But only because you don’t have proper heating and it’s cold you’re not poor. Our heating also often makes problems pull then eif 2 pullis then goes

1 month ago

I grew up in a 2 room apartment and we were 4

that I would be as poor

just because you had no heating means you grew up poorly

1 month ago
Reply to  Sasa235

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