Bin ich anlieger?


Ich ziehe bald in eine Wohnung. Da gibt es einmal eine normale und einmal eine anlieger Straße. Darf ich diese benutzen obwohl ich über die normale Straße zu meiner Wohnung komme. Die Wohnung grenzt eben an beide Straßen

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5 months ago

If the plot is adjacent to both roads, I know it is a plot of land for both roads and you can therefore drive both roads to get there.

4 months ago


Even if the question is already 3 weeks old:

You can only drive into an Anlieger street if you live directly there in the street (or there is no other way to get to your address), or you just want to visit someone in the Anliegerstraße, want to write a letter, etc., so you have a request. There is another way to get to your house. It is therefore not allowed.

ABER: in practice it is so: I live in an arbor road and here really always feels the whole world – here always infinitely many go through which it cannot. And that always and again. The road isn’t without a reason of arbor road – it’s so close that you don’t get past each other on intercourse you have to find a gap or something. In 8 years, I’ve been driven 4 x of the outside mirror from my car – always by people who couldn’t. And not even they had to pay a warning / fine. Because it’s so that nobody cares who goes through here. Even complaints from my side and from various other neighbors do not help. Here nix is controlled and so every one of the ne shortcuts is going through here. So if you don’t run differently, there’s hardly any risk of getting caught + having to pay penalty. I would still advise you as a resident of an arbor road not to use it – because almost always it has a reason to be the streets of arbor road.


5 months ago

Unclear question. If your apartment isn’t exactly in the area where “Anlieger frei” is, you’re just an arbor when you’re e.g. the flora and fauna there or want to visit people there and then continue in any direction. regulations-germany/anliegerfrei/


5 months ago

Easy. If your address has the name of the street, you can use it. If you show one side of the house to the street, but the address is in the normal street, you can’t go in.

5 months ago

No You can only drive the road without using the sign if you don’t have the apartment in the street that’s just for dockers. You’re not a fighter in the street, and you don’t have permission to drive it.

If you get caught there, it costs a warning money of € 50,00

5 months ago

Yeah, you can also use the Anlieger street.

You’re a lawyer and you’re entitled to it.

Cool, right?